Gaza Go Boom

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Don't you fucking DARE badmouth Thomas Magnum. He's a national treasure.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Don't you fucking DARE badmouth Thomas Magnum. He's a national treasure.

I only remembered watching the series - of course, translated into german - something like in the eighties. So now, it is like a brand new thing.

This is how he sounds in Germany!



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Notice how the same guy that doesn't recognize birth, school, work, and death records believes the MSM when it comes to Palestinians.

moister, you can't convince anyone to believe those bull shit conspiracy theories. Not a fucking leg to stand on.

Go down to Texas and bring your camera. Attend a funeral and tell those people there that they are not burying a real person. Post that yuotobe of people slapping the shit out of you.
Just call Santa Fe coroner office and ask for official death and autopsy reports of the students. Put record on phone and post it here, Meester. Since you are not opposed to showing us children's heads blown out. You can share with us the conversation with coroner's office. Or call up the governor office and ask to release everything because you don't agree with the news. Tell them they are fakes. Call Fox News. Tell them you have this info or Alex Jones. I don't care. Show us your personal investigation with audio and paperwork mailed! Have it notorized and dated. Paper mail only!

If you believe in in Palestinian deaths so much without a ounce of verification. I ask you to do this. You do this. And drop FreeOnes in it. I'll respect you again.
Pathetic terrorists and most scum that use children, babies and/Or women as suicide bombers, car bombers or whatever else they think of, certainly have no problem using innocent civilians as human shields or to make it look like it is mainly all civilians as the scumbags dress down as well.

Remember when Saddam allowed Iraqi civilians to come sleep in his mansions to prevent bombing in first Iraq war?


Light one for Me
All the hotels were probably booked up.