Yeah a few DE. It was a great 5 years or so. I remember that hilly terrain theory too.
Whimsy I can see why you may think those things.
I just simply changed as far as my world view. About 180 degrees Fahrenheit I would say.
But i do have to tone it down because I know I upset people sometimes. That is not my intentions but sometimes you gotta crack a few eggs.
And I do believe there is a Hierarchy in this world that controls pretty much everything.
You don't think there is a hierarchy at least?
If so then the phrase Money is Power is false?
Or do you think everything that is happening is just the grass roots natural progression of things?
What I simply think Whimsy is that all of our beliefs are a result of our perception.
And our perception is a result of the information we receive and absorb.
But of course we have to believe that information in order for it to affect our perception therefore our beliefs.
Its not very complicated.
I also believe the information we receive is mostly controlled, planned, written, scripted, usually false, and there is always an agenda behind it.
It comes from the News, The politicians, movies, tv, any and all forms of media.
Its basically called propaganda. And we are submerged in it.
And once you learn to see it, you see that it is everywhere.
And the ones that can't see it ridicule the ones that can.
If most of the information we receive is bullshit than most of the things we believe that is based on that information is bullshit also.
Example: You are told 19 Muslims did 9/11 so you believe that.
I don't believe that.
Instead I look to who has profited from it all these years. And it ain't Muslims other than Saudis, who by strange coincidence were the ones who supposedly did it.
Means Motive Opportunity. Who Profits.
You were told Assad gassed his people with no motive so you believe that.
I don't. I look to who profits.
Hundreds of examples.
So i took the time to personally explain this to you. You dont need to agree just understand where I'm coming from.