Game of Thrones


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
He'll know that he's a mack daddy when he's giving it to Dany every night. But that's not for two books and probably two and a half series of the TV. If it comes true. Which it might not.

So no midgets?
Season 5, Episode 5
Kill the Boy

Dany makes a difficult decision in Meereen. Jon recruits the help of an unexpected ally. Brienne searches for Sansa. Theon remains under Ramsay's control.
Yeah, she's very hot.

If there's any justice (aside from Joffrey's death) Ramsay Snow is going to get it good from either Brienne or Stannis (assuming those two don't tangle first). My book-reading friends seem to know we viewers haven't even seen the worst from Ramsay.
My book-reading friends seem to know we viewers haven't even seen the worst from Ramsay.

He's done unspeakable things that boy. Marrying Lady Hornwood so he could get her keep/lands/money then locking her in a cell to starve to death being one. She ate her own fingers before the end.

There are other things. The dogs scene where he and Myranda were chasing after the blonde in a previous series, things like that. Except with more rape.
Yeah, she's very hot.

If there's any justice (aside from Joffrey's death) Ramsay Snow is going to get it good from either Brienne or Stannis (assuming those two don't tangle first). My book-reading friends seem to know we viewers haven't even seen the worst from Ramsay.

I've been hoping for a showdown or should I say a snow-down between Ramsay and Jon. But Brienne would be cool too. I have a feeling it's ultimately gonna be Reek who does him in though.
I have a feeling it's ultimately gonna be Reek who does him in though.

I've long assumed it would be Jon myself but this makes sense. Although it only makes sense if you think George has any intention of giving some characters redemption or happy endings. I'm not sure anymore.
Reek doing it wuld be a welcome surprise. The Iron Men in the show seem as dickless as he is. Is there anything for them after that weak rescue attempt?
I like this season so far. Has everyone in here saw all the episodes? I dont want to spoil it for you before I post more about them.

Sure go ahead, they really shouldn't be reading this thread if they aren't caught up.
I liked tonight's episode but found the timing of things on the South end of Westros (is that Dorne?) to be "only in fiction". So Sansa finally married, I hope she will soon be a beautiful widow.


I felt sorry for Sansa this last episode but come on, for 5 seasons she's been the victim now, isn't it time she stands up for herself.

And I was disappointed with the sand snakes, they're way more bad ass in the books.
The Dorne storyline has been bad, like Syfy original bad
Not gonna lie, I thought of everyone of you dirty bastards when I saw that scene. ;)


Yeah, the Dorne storyline has been underwhelming and not even entertaining like a syfy original.

Can we see the sand snakes in a bathing scene please? They've gotta be all sweaty after that fight.

And what's Ilaria's beef? Sure Oberyn's head was squished like a grape but he wasn't "murdered."
It was lawful combat and he lost.

She needs to get naked too.
I've been slightly disappointed in Dorne. The first glimpse was excellent but subsequent scenes it hasn't looked anywhere near as arid as it should do. That scene where Jaime and Bronn have their horses gently striding through a grassy plain could have been the fucking Westerlands.

I've come around on them not casting Arianne and just using Ellaria to tell the same/similar story. OK, it doesn't have quite the same impact since Arianne as the eldest child was heir to Dorne and their plan was use Myrcella to supplant Tommen since by Dornish law, she should rule as the older of Robert's surviving children. But on the other hand, whoever they had cast as Arianne, the hardcore bookwankers would complain she wasn't fit enough.
Just a random thought - in the series so far, has there been an example of true friendship? I'm not talking about family bonds or love interests. The only example I can think of offhand is Jaime going back to rescue Brienne from the bear pit when there was absolutely no benefit to him to do so.