So what's the worst that can happen tonight during the Battle of the Bastards? That's what this show has done to me. I'm imagining how awful things could be, both how gruesome and how heart breaking.
I suppose J*n Sn*w could die. Again. I don't think it's likely. Again. But it could happen.
Sansa could die. It's more likely than J.S. dying, but I don't think it's probable, given how much the show has invested in her and her plot line.
I think Wun Wun is going down. Bye bye, Wun Wun.
A lot of people are anticipating some kind of game-changing arrival of Little Finger and the forces of the Vale, or for the Umbers or Karstarks to switch sides at the last minute. I don't think the latter is likely at all. If there is one thing the second half of this season has taught us, it's that most things are as they appear. The first half of the season had us gasping at major reveals every single week, but the last three episodes have been, well, dull. No surprises at all. I doubt anyone on Ramsey's side is switching. If Little Finger does show up, I think it will be to betray Sansa. Honestly, I'm skeptical Sansa was even writing to Little Finger an episode or so ago. But she probably was.
Rickon, I'm sorry to say, is probably going to die miserably. Although...if the show does have some major surprise in store for us, it could be that Rickon learns to warg into Ramsey's dogs and kills the bastard. Pun intended.
Bran's ominous line from the season preview, viz., "They have no idea what's going to happen," may well be the season cliff hanger. I think we'll catch up with Bran next week.
And while I'm on the subject of Bran, did it seem to anyone else that he and Mira are an item now? Granted, they've been through some harrowing adventures, so it wouldn't be surprising. It just seemed to me their physical affection a few weeks ago was more than two people trying to stay warm. Not that it matters. It's just an observation.