Game of Thrones

Couple of notable finds from the Thrones cast members Twitterverse.

It was Oona's birthday this week, the week the Red Wedding aired. Check out her birthday cake.

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Also, from the "how adorable is Maisie" file, here she is, thrilled with an anime toy Arya.



Reminder GoT season finale is tomorrow/tonight.

I'm all fluttery a teen queen about to lose her cherry at last.
Well, sorta similar, not quite THAT dramatic.

I am invested in these fake people, like they do get hurt and killed.

Wire hangars, ok. But more dead Starks!
I was fairly underwhelmed with that finale, actually. As a book dork, there were several things I thought they might have put in to add some big drama even if they didn't do Joff & Margaery's wedding - which I held onto slim hope that they would - and none of them happened. I was rather surprised how they curtailed Jaime & Cersei's reunion. Then again, I knew we wouldn't exactly get between them what happened in the book.... :sex:

Still.... wedding to look forward to for next year. Hopefully we get a good idea of the 77 course feast.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I was disappointed with the finale but it was going to be hard to top last week anyway. They basically just used the finale to set the table up for season 4. It just sucks we will have to wait a year. :(

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
If Tywin Lannister was alive today, he'd be a corporate CEO. Come on, ya know it's true! And I guess this just confirms my perverted nature, but did anyone else look at Cersei's reaction to Jaime's hand-stump and imagine her thinking, "Don't worry, babe, I've got some ideas on how we can work with that!" :eeew: I know. I know. Bad, Rey C. Bad!!!

Hopefully next season they'll ease up on the pointless sex romps and needless kink and tell the fuckin' story before Season 7 knocks on the door! Bring in some new writers or something. That's what made The Walking Dead better. Kill off the Hollywood formula writers they've had on staff this season and bury them with the dead Starks!

Overall, I thought this was a decent episode though. Nothing to write home about or watch a second time, but still pretty good.
What an awesome finale!! After the Red Wedding, this was a nice comeback and a great set up for the next season. Don't know how I can wait so long!



Bronze Member
The finale wasn't all that great. The last scene with Dany getting more people on her side was kinda chessy. Ygritte doesn't take being dumped easy with her shooting Jon behind his back with her arrows. I kinda feel sorry for Theon now. It's pretty fuck up that he got his dick cut off and send to his father. Arya is turning out to be one cold blood killer. I hope she gets the chance to kill one of the high rollers. All in all, the finale was just meh. I'm looking forward for next season when the Starks get some retribution.
I kinda feel sorry for Theon now. It's pretty fuck up that he got his dick cut off and send to his father.

Karma. He bit the hand that fed him. Directly or indirectly, he caused a lot of the innocent smallfolk of Winterfell to die, he killed Rodrick Cassell, he had two poor orphan boys killed, and if he had sent his letter of warning to Robb instead of burning it (to stand by the father that had just talked to him like he was shit), then Robb's army would have turned the Ironborn back into the sea, the Young Wolf would never have been thought of as "The King That Lost The North" and there is a chance he wouldn't have lost the Karstarks, Bolton wouldn't have betrayed him, and the Red Wedding might have been avoided.

Plus, this may resonate with some of you - he was a cunt to Ros.

Every misfortune that befalls Theon, I still think. GOOD. Cunt.
I hope so, otherwise it was just schoolboy sex humour inserted for Dan & Dave's amusement and no relevance to the story. No, there was nothing about Tyrion rewarding Pod by taking him to Baelish's brothel in the books. Well... in the books, Baelish doesn't have a brothel, but that's not the point.

There was a moment in the Finale when Podrick walks by and all the girls start giggling and one of them says "Look, there he is!" or something similar.

So apparently young Pod's-a-packin' and it really is just bawdy humor after all.
Every misfortune that befalls Theon, I still think. GOOD. Cunt.

I agree. As weary as I am of the blood bath this season turned into, I didn't mind seeing Theon get what's coming to him.

However, that doesn't mean I don't want to see Ramsey Snow get snuffed out in a suitably vicious (though preferably not protracted) way. Theon's a cunt, but Ramsey is just a sick fuck who needs to die, more so than anyone on the show, in my opinion. Even Joffrey.

And I agree with Rey (a couple posts up) that the writers responsible for devoting a double digit percentage of screen time this season to the torture and mutilation of Theon also need to die...figuratively anyway, in the form of pink slips. (That's not really what Rey said, but you get my meaning.)

I haven't read the books, but I'm assuming all this Theon crap is in there. The entire plot/spectacle of Theon was totally fucking pointless and worse than any of the gratuitous sex scenes or any of the other maladies the show endured this season. If it was in the books, it should have been cut out of the series.


Hiliary 2020
mp's super awesome game of thrones season 3 finale re-cap.

Ok, so Robb and Caitlyn are still dead.
Joffrey is becoming more of a douche each day.
Bran is heading north of the wall but Im not sure why.
Tywin is the real king at the moment at least.
The White walkers are coming, even Stannis's hot redhead said it.
The Onion guy Davos has balls of steal.
Theon is still being tortured by Boltons bastard, but I really can't feel too sorry for him after trying to kill the Stark boys and killing Maester Luwin even after he tried to help him. He also killed Rodrik Cassel and many others including those poor boys.
His little sister is coming to find him, tough chick.
Jaime has returned.
Arya and Sandor are a bad-ass duo.
Kaleesi freed some brown people and they called her mother.

Did i miss anything?
I haven't read the books, but I'm assuming all this Theon crap is in there. The entire plot/spectacle of Theon was totally fucking pointless and worse than any of the gratuitous sex scenes or any of the other maladies the show endured this season. If it was in the books, it should have been cut out of the series.

All that happens in the books is that he is mentioned in reported speech and bits of the skin that Ramsay flays from him end up here there and everywhere. Roose Bolton presents a strip of Theon's little finger to Catelyn at The Twins as if to say "hope this makes up for the two sons he's killed." It becomes clear later that during the 2nd/3rd books he's been tortured, flayed, mutilated, had teeth removed and it's hinted he's been castrated. But none of it takes place in POV chapters i.e. we don't read about it in grim detail.

The actual story of Ramsay's infiltration into Winterfell and meeting Theon is much more intricate in the book.

Rodrik Cassel and his troops are hunting Ramsay down (I won't bore you with why). Rodrik's party comes across Ramsay shortly after he had raped and killed a peasant girl and his companion Reek (the first Reek, it's not just a cruel name for Theon) had raped the corpse. Ramsay is able to survive by switching clothes with Reek, who is killed in his place. Rodrik yearned to put "Reek" to death too but he needed him alive as he was a witness to many of Ramsay's crimes, so Ramsay narrowly escaped death due to his cunning and willingness to sacrifice others for his own ends. He's taken prisoner at Winterfell.

When the Ironmen attack Torrhen's Square, Ser Rodrik gathers a force to expel them, including most of the Winterfell garrison. The Ironmen under Dagmer Cleftjaw let him drive their force away, luring Ser Rodrik further away from the castle. The Ironborn under Theon Greyjoy then attack and take Winterfell. After Theon takes Winterfell he releases "Reek" in exchange for a vow of service. In fact, it's Ramsay's idea to kill the two peasant boys to cover up for the Stark boys' escape, only being Ramsay, the bodies aren't burned like on TV, but flayed. Ramsay then (with Theon's knowledge) kills the three other Ironborn that know the truth about the boys identity, and they pin the blame on Farlan, the kennel master, and kill him too. Theon even considers killing "Reek" (as he knows him) to further cover his tracks, but seeing that he can read and write, he's worried that he's written the truth down somewhere.

Ser Rodrik gathers more forces, this time to besiege Winterfell. Rodrik parleys with Theon before the gates, demanding his life and the castle, but Theon threatens to hang his daughter Beth if an attack begins. Unwilling to abandon the castle, though harboring few delusions about how likely a victory is, Theon and the few Ironmen loyal to him prepare to make their final stand. Ramsay offers to help Theon by taking a large sum of money to the Dreadfort and returning with much-needed reinforcements. Theon reluctantly agrees.

After consulting with his father, Ramsay and his forces march to Winterfell just as Ser Rodrik Cassel and his host move to greet them. Ramsay swaps his serving man's garb for a full set of armor complete with a red helmet, and meets with Rodrik. As the castellan offers him his hand in friendship, however, Ramsay slices Cassel's arm off and leads his forces in a rampage through the stunned Northmen's ranks. Ramsay then rides to Winterfell's gates, and presents the corpses of Ser Rodrik, Leobald Tallhart and Cley Cerwyn to an onlooking Theon as a sign of his loyalty. Theon opens the gates and meets with Ramsay himself, who removes his red helmet and reveals his true identity. Ramsay carries out a great sack of Winterfell, murdering many of its inhabitants in cold blood, slaughtering the remaining Ironmen, and capturing Theon in the process.

The reveal of Ramay's true identity to Theon is priceless. "Ramsay. Snow, my wife called me before she ate her fingers, but I say Bolton." He then implies he wants to take Theon's mistress to bed, and when Theon goes to say something in outrage Ramsay punches him with his armoured fist, breaking his cheekbone instantly. When Theon wakes up, Winterfell is burning and his whole world is upside down.

Random thoughts, musings and/or lingering concerns regarding S3 and the transition to S4:

1. Others have commented on the fact that pretty much nothing happened this season with the White Walkers, despite the major cliff hanger at the end of S2. Indeed, the S3 Finale basically rejuvenated that plot line.

So...what are we to believe the Walkers were doing throughout S3? They were literally marching on the wall, then all the events of S3 happened, and now the attack is imminent. But other than pausing to snatch a couple babies, is there any plausible explanation (in the books or discerned from the show) as to what they were doing this whole time? I don't want to over-think it, but...

2. Will Sansa ever become an interesting character? She had one glimmer of personality in the S2 Finale when Joffrey announces he will wed Margaery instead, and Sansa privately smiles a sigh of relief. But then she went back to being a flat, lifeless character again.

One thing's for certain: marrying Tyrion pretty much saved her life. With her brother and mother dead, and her younger brothers believed to be dead, there would be little reason for the Lannisters to keep her around in S4 if she wasn't married to one of them.

3. How exactly did Jorah betray Daenerys before, or hasn't this been explained (in the show, not in the books)? I think this is actually a lingering question from S2. I took a look back at S1 and there was definitely some stuff going on around the time Daenerys got pregnant and Arya sees Illyrio Mopatis colluding with Varys, but I'm not quite clear what the nature of Jorah's betrayal was.

Since we never actually see Daenerys's baby, I suppose it's possible the child survived but Jorah took it away to hamper Daenerys's efforts to take the Iron Throne. (He was, after all, granted a full pardon at one point). Perhaps he wasn't a true believer in Daenerys until the funeral pyre, after which he regretted his betrayal and resolved to follow her unconditionally. But this is idle speculation on my part. There is actually more reason to believe the child died the way the witch said it did.

As a side note, I sincerely hope that whatever the nature of Jorah's betrayal is somehow clarifies what the fuck Varys actually cares about, because his ambivalent nature (not in gender, but in terms of allegiance) is really getting annoying. It's intriguing for a while, but enough is enough already.

4. Speaking of ambivalent characters, in light of the events of the Red Wedding, I see a tremendous potential for us to finally find out in S4 what is really important to Baelish as well. IF what we have been led to believe about him is true (viz., that he has long had designs on Catelyn and this motivates most everything he does), then he should be foaming at the mouth in S4 to exact revenge on Bolton, Frey and the Lannisters now that she's dead. On the other hand, this doesn't necessarily explain his half-assed attempt to take Sansa with him when he departs for Harrenhal. Sure, he might have just wanted to use Sansa to curry favor with Catelyn, but it occurred to me that Sansa looks remarkably like her mother, and that perhaps he was willing to settle for Catelyn-Lite. Or maybe he really only cares about money and power after all, I don't know. But like I said, there is potential for this character to have a clarifying "moment" in S4, in light of Catelyn's death.

5. I will also be interested to see if there is any more insight into Pycelle in S4. There haven't been many indications as to what makes this guy tick, other than the behavior that prompted Tyrion to imprison him for a time in S2. But when I looked back at S1 recently, there was a curious and telling moment when Pycelle is getting dressed in his chamber, situates his cloak just so, and stands up straight in front of his mirror. Then, just as he's about to open the door, he deliberately slumps over to make himself look more decrepit. It occurs to me now that he's been acting this way the entire time, no less so than in the S3 Finale when he doesn't even seem able to extend his arm enough to pass Tyrion the news of Robb's and Catelyn's deaths. Instead he drops the note and complains that he's old and infirm. Could be nothing, but I wonder whether something isn't going on with him.

Okay, I've wasted enough grey matter on G.o.T. plot lines.
Ok, one last thing:

6. The S3 Finale was kind of weak, in the sense that not much happened, it just set up S4. But this isn't a surprise. In fact, every season has been like this. The penultimate episode in each season has been the real shocker (Ned's beheading, Blackwater, the Red Wedding), and the Finales have all more or less tied up loose ends.

The S3 Finale wasn't bad mind you, but it certainly didn't offer any grand insights. The worst part? Bolton's awkward explanation to Frey as to what really happened at Winterfell. It needed to be explained to the audience, of course, but the fact that it was literally nothing more than a dramatic device to offer an explanation of something that could have been a lot clearer to viewers over the course of - oh, I don't know - an entire season, is kind of pathetic. A deus ex machina if ever there was one.
To answer some of your thoughts without spoilers, if I can.

Sansa never really becomes an interesting character. What happens to her is fairly interesting, as she is a pawn in the games others play. But in herself, I wouldn't say she is particularly interesting.

Jorah betrayed Dany by informing on her and her brothers' activities across the Narrow Sea. It's his word that let Robert and Ned find out about first her wedding and secondly her pregnancy, that then caused assassins and poisoners to start trying to get her in hope of a reward from the throne. He got his royal pardon, but because he's fallen for Dany, he hasn't gone home.

Varys wants Targaryen rule restored. He was down in the dungeon talking to Ilyrio about "not being ready" because they wanted Viserys to cross the sea with his Dothraki army. But then Viserys died. Shit happens.

Baelish wants to be boss of everything. He isn't sailing for Harrenhal - he's going to the Vale, to knob and marry Cat's sister and not only become lord of the Vale but Warden of the East. Which is doing pretty well considering he came from nothing. And yes, he wants to fuck Sansa because he can see young Cat in her. Speculation only - the Vale has an army that hasn't done anything in the War of Five Kings. When he marries Lysa Arryn, that becomes his army. Just a thought.

Pycelle is a shameless Lannister asslicker and not a whole lot more.

And yes, "keeping the audience guessing" all series as to what happened with the Bastard of Bolton taking Winterfell was indeed pointless with no great payoff. Like the Pod business. In fact, I shall now refer to anything pointless that happens in the show by saying "it's Pod's cock."
All that happens in the books is that he is mentioned in reported speech and bits of the skin that Ramsay flays from him end up here there and everywhere. Roose Bolton presents a strip of Theon's little finger to Catelyn at The Twins as if to say "hope this makes up for the two sons he's killed." It becomes clear later that during the 2nd/3rd books he's been tortured, flayed, mutilated, had teeth removed and it's hinted he's been castrated. But none of it takes place in POV chapters i.e. we don't read about it in grim detail.

The actual story of Ramsay's infiltration into Winterfell and meeting Theon is much more intricate in the book...

Wow, that is intricate, and far more interesting. Thanks.

Just out of curiosity, you remember all that off the top of your head? I have a pretty good head for this kind of thing too (when I have read the books, I mean), but I would have to go back to the text to summon that level of detail.
Just out of curiosity, you remember all that off the top of your head? I have a pretty good head for this kind of thing too (when I have read the books, I mean), but I would have to go back to the text to summon that level of detail.

I do remember most of it, but because I'm lazy/sleepy some bits of that were cut n pasted from the ASOIAF wikia pages for Theon, Ramsay and Rodrik, with certain spoilery bits removed and a lot of my own words added. I probably wouldn't have remembered it was Farlan they pinned the murder of Theon's men on, and I did have to get my copy of A Clash Of Kings off the shelf for the actual quote from Ramsay, and to remind myself that Theon's cheekbone was actually broken by Ramsay's punch. Although to be honest, I thought it was his jaw.
Final thought on the series finale, which I found underwhelming but others seem to want to let off :

"They seem to have a pattern in episode 9 being the shit goes down episode with 10 being the episode that sets up each characters' story for the next series."

This is true, but previous finales have seen big, defining moments that really injected something and made you think there were big things ahead.

"Fire And Blood" had the obvious Dany enduring the flame and coming out the Unburned, Mother of Dragons, only after finding out she had lost her baby then having to euthanize her brain dead Khal, but it also had Robb & Cat's grief and subsequently Cat's killer scene with Jaime and then Robb being raised up to "King in the North" by his bannermen, and the Night's Watch marching beyond the Wall, not content to wait and see what was coming. All three of those were impactful. I personally really liked Robb's ascension, I found it pretty stirring. Mike from Casualty was great as the Greatjon in that scene, and Cat's face told a brilliant story of "I'm so proud of him, but I'm still scared that my little boy is leading men to war."

Last year "Valar Morghulis" felt like a non-stop procession of great finales to various stories. Tyrion waking up to new lodgings, disfigurement and finding out where he stands with Shae, Arya realizing Jaqen is a Faceless Man, Jaime and Brienne starting their trek and Brienne getting to kill some knobheads, Jon being prepped to meet the King Beyond The Wall, Stannis seeing his future glory in the fire - all nice hors d'ouvres. Then BAM! Dany burns the Scottish warlock - OMG Dragons have started killing already. BAM! Robb marries nurse bint. BAM! Dany locks the-richest-man-in-Qaarth-the-greatest-city-that-ever-was-and-ever-will-be and Roxanne from Hollyoaks in a vault and has gold to buy a ship to (it's implied) sail to Westeros. And finally - what the fuck is that? The Others are heading towards the Wall. Shit. There were a good three times where I thought "that's a great point to end on, that must be the end" but it carried on delivering.

"Mhysa" didn't really hold up. Dany's deal aside, the Ramsay reveal felt rushed and unimaginative, the Jaime/Cersei reunion should have been bigger and was curtailed before you really saw the outpouring of emotion that you could expect from both, nobody gives a fuck about Bran and they've done a woeful job with him bleating "I have to find the three-eyed raven" and no reason whatsoever as to why that's more important than getting to his brother and relative safety, and fuck knows why they think the scene with Balon & Yara would resonate when they neglected to use either character all series and I expect some casual fans upon first sight had forgotten who they even are. The only bits that I thought were really good were the chaos at The Twins adding an exclamation point to last week's horror, Jon's return, wounded back at Castle Black and reuniting with his mates, and the continuation of Arya's transformation into a hardened stone cold killer.

But yeah, at least we know there are big things to come, for Stannis and Davos at the very least, and another wedding to look forward to.