Game Chicks

There is Persephone (monica belluci) from enter the matrix
Well, I know she is not from a video game, but she's well worth the look. Here is the chick from The Animatrix, not sure of her name, but damn!! Keep on rockin and rollin!!


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Mmmm, more Mai Shiranui!! She's yummy!! Keep on rockin and rollin!


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Another Mai!


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WC-Madman said:
Well, I know she is not from a video game, but she's well worth the look. Here is the chick from The Animatrix, not sure of her name, but damn!! Keep on rockin and rollin!!

Really Hot...:)
Nice fake! :)

thanks to wc madman and dzeearoth for the mai's pics:hatsoff::thumbsup:

i like the one when she receives cum in the face and in the mouth ha ha :D


Kasumi, DOA...
Or Ayane, they're both hot as hell... I really like to stare at the DOA girls, though... The DOA series has such huge tittied girls! DOA is easily high on my list


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Okay, things did run out of control. These are the new rules. Take in act that this board was meant to discuss, not to share pictures.

1. No hardcore pictures, like open vaginas, close-ups, penetration, cum shots etc.
2. You may post any picture from, on the board, as long as you post the gallery url in your post.
3. Thread starters may post pictures, thread repliers aren't allowed to, unless pictures are from point 2.
4. Posting a picture to find a babe name is allowed, as long as the picture is in compliance with point 1.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Steel said:
mine's BloodRayne.

a sequel to BloodRayne and a movie in the works is coming! :tongue:

Good choice man!!!!! She is a hot one, and yes the sequal is due by Oct. 2004. Love those redheads!!!