Game Chicks

Scorpion said:
Ok but what cracks me up, is how can a video game character be overrated?

I just mean that I don't like the games or the movies, and I'm tired of seeing new Tomb Raider games nearly every year. I used to like her before, but now I really think Eidos is milking her for everything she's worth these days.:(

Am gonna have to go for the girls frm final fantasy 8! Rinoa and Quistis r hot! but my bro wld say yunna of ff10 fame!
and the girl (cant spell her name sorry so its phoenetically) Luvern from Day Of The Tentcle....she was cute cause she was a real werid one...but i always liked her when i was younger....anybody played that game?
hey all i am new here.

can u guys tell me where i can go to a site that have free picture of anime porn picture like ne charater i like anime porn


Welcome to the board krayzeids, cool name by the way. Have you heard of Tommy's Bookmarks? The site has many various links, including one dedicated to nothing but anime porn or cartoon porn,etc. Here is the link, sorry freeones but he asked, we all know Freeones is the best!!
WC-Madman said:
I've gotta go with Mai Shiranui, from Fatal Fury and the King of Fighters series, so hot, look at the bounciness. :nanner:

I'll go with Mai as well

Anyone seen that cosplay stuff? girls that dress up as these characters (some have porno sites). A bit wierd IMO but some people may like it
cosplay is cute... but daaaaamnn... find better models for it... the ones i saw were overugly


Dude didn't you click on the link I posted up for you? It has a link to pics of anime porn, and its free!!

Gee thanks for nothing asshole!! See if I do any favors anymore, ungrateful bastard, whatever

:mad: :confused: :thefinger :dunno: :wtf:
:( Sorry i didnt mean i dont want to go to the link u post i just cant it said error. DAmn:mad: u dont have to shap like that ,


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Hey blobra nice pic of Lara. I'm not a real big fan of Tomb Raider, but that is a good pic.