Gag Factor 5 (Aurora snow)


Member, you member...
Slim Shady said:
can you post it again???? pls!!!!

Otay, I have posted this Aurora scene in My Video Uploads in Members again through yousendit.
um, ok, i GOTTA be the stupidest person around, but where is the Members section...? all i see is "members list"..... i searched here, but i don't see any "upload" section....



Member, you member...
Wouldja all like another repost? (I post it in the members section so surfers of the forums can't snag the uploads).


Member, you member...
Otay, cruise on over to the Member's section - my video uploads - for the repost...
Hi, I'm new here and i must be dumb too because I don't see it either. If you would happen to find that clip before me, would you give me the link?