G.A.O. : Iraq - $79 Billion Budget SURPLUS ? !!! WTF !!


GAO: Iraq could have $79 billion budget surplus



The Iraqi government could end this year with as much as a $79 billion cumulative budget surplus, based largely on ever-increasing oil revenues, congressional auditors say.

A report by the Government Accountability Office made public Tuesday prompted renewed calls from senators that Baghdad pay more of the bill for its own reconstruction, which has been heavily supported with U.S. funds.

The projected Iraq surplus, including unspent money from 2005 through 2008, has been building because of rising world oil prices, increasing Iraqi oil production, the government's inability to execute budgets for spending its money and persistent violence in the country, the GAO said.


:thefinger: XXXXX:thefinger:XXXXX:thefinger:XXXXX:thefinger:XXXXX:thefinger:

HOW IN THE FUCK DOES THIS ADMINISTRATION GET AWAY WITH THIS SHIT ? We're i.e. - you and I, are being taxed small fortunes to keep this "war" subsidized as the collective country grows insolvent and bankrupt.

Let's face it . . There should be a modern bipartisan revolt against this band of thieves in the District of Criminals, but there's too much of a divide between the two domineering parties. Conveniently, said two domineers have fostered this divide.

I hate them both . . . fuckers ! . . bastids

[me grins] or tries to


what the fuck you lookin at?
Baghdad should pay for all of its fuckin reconstruction. Fuck them. They are lucky we still buy oil from that part of the world. So with that in mind we're already paying for their reconstruction.

Of course the only reason we still buy oil from those fucks is because our "leaders", and I use the term loosely, are to fuckin afraid to drill for the oil that we're already fuckin sitting on!!!
Baghdad should pay for all of its fuckin reconstruction. Fuck them. They are lucky we still buy oil from that part of the world. So with that in mind we're already paying for their reconstruction.

Of course the only reason we still buy oil from those fucks is because our "leaders", and I use the term loosely, are to fuckin afraid to drill for the oil that we're already fuckin sitting on!!!

Their lucky?:rofl:

We invade ,rock their world and their lucky.And we have no where near the amount of oil here that we can drill as compared to what we buy and import.They got the drugs and we are the addicts.Should they use that money for reconstruction,sure.But lets not forget who did what to who here,we screwed them over big time and it is our responsibility to try to help them recover.
What was this war all about? When you take away all the bullshit stories telling us why we went WMD's etc. This war was about oil, and getting it cheaper by taking control of their oil fields but some money does get some of those revenues back they have to.

Why should they pay for their own reconstruction the US/UK war vertually ruined the whole country so why should the people of Iraq have to rebuild their own towns they didnt ask for them to be blown up.

Their have been enough war crimes commited during this war, lets not have anymore.
Ah, yes, this has to be the feel-good-about-your-country thread of the day. We're getting anally mounted by the oil companies, and now we can see what we've been financing all along. I love that shit.
I think this administration is actually trying to set a world record for most fucked up things done under one President. :dunno:
the iraq reconstruction should be financed by Iraq.
end of story


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I think this administration is actually trying to set a world record for most fucked up things done under one President. :dunno:

That was already established about 5 years ago.
Anyone who thinks they know what bush is up to needs to read Sharansky's book The Case for Democracy - Widely sighted openly by Bush II as the reason we went to war in iraq. Well... It was the second reason anyway. Furthermore, at least this much is true - we are not getting out of the war what was promised to us and we have only ourselves to blame for that.

We promised to export democracy but instead we exported corporatism, dick cheney and support for tyrannical saudis and the new leadership of iraq and afghanistan who are just as totalitarian as their predecessors and why - because STABILITY is more important than DEMOCRACY to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! But what these idiots haven't figured out yet is that "true democracy" and freedom from fear = stability - we just dont like what the millions of muslims who hate their leaders and our support for them but dont really mind us at all have to say about these relationships.

So as for the surplus - yeah it sucks but it aint like that money isn't coming from royalties from rich bastards like cheney and bush inc. making a quick buck in iraq while the rest of us suffer. Thats why the gulf states are rolling in oodles of cash too incidentally - and we dont see a dime whether it comes from iraq, saudi, alaska, mexico, iran - nada -we dont see a penny - but bush does - why? Because we're dumb enough to actually believe that they are idealists... Sad but true - the american people got taken for a ride - its all a sham...


what the fuck you lookin at?
But lets not forget who did what to who here,we screwed them over big time and it is our responsibility to try to help them recover.

the iraq reconstruction should be financed by Iraq.
end of story

Thank you Apex. Its a war. There are no clear cut rules in war. So we blew the fuck outta their towns, cities and country. Why are we required to pay for the damages? Granted we went over there for a bullshit reason. But still. Its a fuckin war. If someone invaded us for whatever reason. We'd have to pay for our own rebuilding. Why should we help the enemy?


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Why should we help the enemy?

We did help rebuild Europe after WW2. But you can't compare Europe to Iraq. Europe has some of the most important and beautiful buildings and artwork in the world.

Iraq has.......um.......buildings made of sand.
We did help rebuild Europe after WW2. But you can't compare Europe to Iraq. Europe has some of the most important and beautiful buildings and artwork in the world.

Iraq has.......um.......buildings made of sand.

Building's made of sand that were standing when europeans where still banging the rocks together and thought fire was really something special :D:1orglaugh

Iraq was the mother of all civilizations. Iraq invented hot pockets - show some respect....:2 cents:
Thank you Apex. Its a war. There are no clear cut rules in war. So we blew the fuck outta their towns, cities and country. Why are we required to pay for the damages? Granted we went over there for a bullshit reason. But still. Its a fuckin war. If someone invaded us for whatever reason. We'd have to pay for our own rebuilding. Why should we help the enemy?

No offense legz but I gotta say schools do a very poor job on teaching history IMO.The reason you help former enemy's especially ones that you had no buisness trashing in 1st place is the lessons of World War 1.
We let the winners of that war really make the losers pay(germany) and what was the result? Another world war 20 years later.After WW2 we did things very differently with germany and Japan and spents lots rebuilding them and it was in our own interest to do that.Some of that was to keep them from going communist but it was also very much to bring stability back to them and therefore the world.Same thing applies to Iraq an unstable Iraq is definately not in our interest or the worlds.
Not every Iraqi is the enemy, wasnt it only Saddam and his cabinet, isnt the new excuse for going to war to bring democracy to Iraq, by basically destroying most of the country and then leaving, letting them fend for themsleves is only going to breed more contempt, which in turn turns more Iraqi's into the "enemy" by radicalising them.
This is the best thread you've ever started. As this board's most dynamic AMERICAN LIBERAL...I can not defend our continued occupation in Iraq.

Our job is done. Iraq can pay it's way now, no matter what they need. Bush/McCain are lying to the American people about the need to stay "to finish the job" or "win the war." We haven't waged warfare since we pulled Saddam out of that spiderhole all those years ago.

We are al-Maliki's musclmen now. Nothing more. Nothing less.

It seems to me to be an impeachable offense against this president to keep this falsely-waged occupation going another day....
It does sort of drive you crazy don't it?! but the Iraqis aren't exactly being well-served by their government. Hopefully their officials aren't pocketing away all that surplus. I'd feel better if they actually invested the money in infrastructure and things that might help the well-being of the Iraqi people, but who knows, it's probably going into the pockets of Iraqi fat cats, and so are our taxes damnit!


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The whole thing is a total travesty. I've come to the conclusion that it is pointless to argue anything about Iraq. We should never have been there in the first place and anything that has evolved from this disastrous excursion is a justly-applied reward for our own hubris and irresponsibility. Anyone who argues otherwise is a victim of extreme political dogmatism or is incapable of independent thought. Iraq was, and is, a total mistake of grandiose proportions.

The surge has worked because Al-Qaeda went back to Afghanistan and Pakistan (our fucking ally??? with friends like them, who needs enemies?). We pay the price in both loss of life (no offense meant whatsoever to the all the poor Iraqis and others who have perished in this fiasco as well) and incredible monetary waste. Now there's a major surplus somehow. Big fucking surprise.

This whole debacle couldn't have been handled in a more slipshod manner if it had to be and I blame bi-partisan (yeah, Bush and Cheney and their minions are the prime culprits but a lot of democrats jumped on the bandwagon when it seem fashionable so they cannot remain blameless either) efforts that ultimately opened the door for the situation we have now.

It's way past the time to close the door on Iraq. They are more than capable of handing their own issues now and don't want us there anymore anyway.

I know sons and daughters of friends who are still stationed over there and in harm's way. Their lives are in danger.....for what cause? We need to get the fuck out. Hopefully, we'll learn from yet another very costly mistake in US foreign policy. Somehow, I doubt it. Haven't learned yet, probably won't now.