allow me to respond on behalf of crazy4batshit:
what does it matter which 'rag' country did it? They're all the same, those 'rags'.
etc etc
I think what you fail to understand is that religion and government work hand in hand in these countries. Was Iraq directly responsible for 9/11? No. But I do remember Saddam spouting off right after the attacks on how happy he was that it happened, and he was giving glory to allah for the success of the attack.
I have no doubt that there were also "practitioners of the religion of peace" all over the Middle East who were praising their "god" for the same thing.
Payback was in order. It would have been nice if it could have gone right back to the Bin Man, but Saddam was a good of a substitute as any since Bin Laden was hiding like the coward he is.
Bin Laden has very likely spent time hiding in Afghanistan, Pakistan, probably in Iran, and very possibly even in Iraq since he attacked America
in the name of islam.
If these countries were like most civilized modern countries where they aren't run by their religious leaders, you would have a point. Since muslim countries are lead by the dictates of their ridiculous religion, I hold them to some accountability as well.