Future Technology - What would you like to have?

Time Travel :thumbsup: I know you could only go forwards if you obey the laws of physics but who cares. :nanner:

And also to be Mr Humanitarian

A cure for AIDs and Cancer

Will E Worm

Tiny medical nanobots would be cool. They could just cruise around keeping you buff, cleaning your arteries, and chasing out diseases and infection while you sit on your ass drinking beer and eating pizza.

I'd like that too. Similar to the Dow Scrubbing Bubbles. ;)
lightsaber - although Star Wars is actually set in the past. Or a phaser from star trek so I can incinerate motherfuckers I dont like and not have to worry about the remains!
Time Travel :thumbsup: I know you could only go forwards if you obey the laws of physics but who cares.

I don't obey the laws of physics...



what the fuck you lookin at?
video games that are as close to real life as you can get without it actually being real. i.e. you step into a machine and your are literally surrounded by the game...
Replicator, to make any meal or drink you want.

Hologram deck, so you can act out your fantasy in person (and much better than a sex robot)

Teleporter, so no more cars or planes to go from A to B.

Spaceships to truly go no man has gone before.
TARDIS, an exosuit, a body recover bot, KITT (as ordninary transportation), a secret hi-tech base, and a super computer that can access and hi-jack any system in the world.
While you at it just go for immortality.

Nah, living forever? How boring would that be, anyway I have an eternity of nothingnes to look forward to once I die, win-win from my perspective.

But I do think cure for both of those diseases are attainable thought, will it ever happen? Maybe, but theres to much money to be made in keeping people alive whilst they still have the disease rather than curing them outright. So I guess in the future all we'll get is a better way of treating the disease but no cure.

A+ for sarcasm though :thumbsup:
TARDIS, an exosuit, a body recover bot, KITT (as ordninary transportation), a secret hi-tech base, and a super computer that can access and hi-jack any system in the world.


You still haven't gotten yours?.. man, you are sooo behind-the-times

You still haven't gotten yours?.. man, you are sooo behind-the-times

No, man. I live in retro-future.:D

And i forgot this one, a super submarine that's a full mixture of Jules Verne's Nautilus and any U-Boat. :thumbsup: A super retro-future stuff! :D


- Warp Drive or even Mass effect. FTL of some description
- Nanotechnology, the applications of this is highly numerous...Ranging from personal enhancements, Cures for many viruses and immortality to superior construction and fabrication techniques. Even nightmare weaponry. Is a real possible field and besides genetics could be set to become a major field if we dont self destruct or make killer AIs.
- I would say transporters until I had a philosophical discussion with my bro about them. I mean getting your particles disassembled and reassembled on the other side, I think you actually died, Would it be you? Or merely a copy.
- Shields. The vacuum of space is truly a harsh place.
- Cold fushion which then evolves into anti matter or some other hokey sci fi high end power generation.....A ZPM(zero point module) would be quite bitching.
- Superior understanding of genetics, I loved babylon 5. Growing giant tailor made organism used to the vacuum of space for space travel is a fucking excellent idea. Cloning is a utterly ridiculous idea as we are over populated as it is. Ironing defects in our genome could be useful though.


Prince of the Rotten Milk
1. teletransportation (i hate buses and airplanes)
2. GPS all over the world (i if want to know where are you, i wanna know. If i want to know where are my fuckin' keys, i wanna know)
3. virtual reality/android sex. I want my virtual Audrey Bitoni doll/hologram/android already!
4. speech recognition (but A GOOD recognition) in a lot of hardware
5. space tourism (i want to know the saturn things)
The stuff of a madman's dreams! Tis sheer folly to even suggest such a device could exist.

But is it not these moments of madness that bring out those sparks of genius within us all (or murderous rage (but forget about that))? For all you know there may be beings on other worlds already in possession of such an item. Oh, what gods they must be, to actually have the knowledge and facilities to create such a device capable of performing such a feat, is a miracle.

For you see, I have a dream. I foresee a day in which all men will be able to stumble into their own personal living space where the food is prepared - a place we call "the kitchen" of course - and take out a device, a device so ingenious that we mere imbeciles of today cannot even conjure up a picture within our own minds that best describes it. A device that will allow a person to make their way through a block of mature chedder without fear. No, more severed fingers, no more severed arteries. Just a pure, easy action and mountains upon mountains of pleasure . . . and cheese.

And as an added plus, it'll work wonders on the male scrotum and glands of the penis. If you're into that kind of thing.

I have a dream TODAY!