Flying carpet
When the Holo-deck from Star Trek becomes a reality I will step in and never, ever come back!
Tiny medical nanobots would be cool. They could just cruise around keeping you buff, cleaning your arteries, and chasing out diseases and infection while you sit on your ass drinking beer and eating pizza.
Time Travel :thumbsup: I know you could only go forwards if you obey the laws of physics but who cares.
A cure for AIDs and Cancer
While you at it just go for immortality.
TARDIS, an exosuit, a body recover bot, KITT (as ordninary transportation), a secret hi-tech base, and a super computer that can access and hi-jack any system in the world.
You still haven't gotten yours?.. man, you are sooo behind-the-times
The stuff of a madman's dreams! Tis sheer folly to even suggest such a device could exist.Something to "grate" cheese.....
The stuff of a madman's dreams! Tis sheer folly to even suggest such a device could exist.