Funny "Facts" About Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps can walk on water but doesn't want to show off, so he swims instead.

When Aquaman needs help he calls Michael Phelps.

Michael Phelps cashed his plane ticket in and swam Butterfly to the Olympics.

Michael Phelps arrived in China riding a chariot pulled by two electric eels.

Michael Phelps craps out Energizer batteries.

Michael Phelps is the only person in the world that can race a speed boat.... and win!

Michael Phelps doesn't swim through the water... the water swims around him.

The only thing that can defeat Michael Phelps is another Michael Phelps.

Michael Phelps qualified with a top speed of 378 mph at the Daytona 500, swimming!

Michael Phelps doesn't have a condo in Ann Arbor, he has a cave in the Atlantic.

One time, at band camp, Michael Phelps slept with all the women.... in one night.

Touch pads reach for Michael Phelps.

Michael Phelps was hungry before a race and ate his competition.

When you say "no one's perfect", Michael Phelps takes this as a personal insult.

Michael Phelps only swims through the water because he considers walking on top of it too pretentious

Michael Phelps can swim through dry land.

Michael Phelps doesn't swim with sharks. The sharks swim with him.

Michael Phelps eats whole cows for breakfast and then washes them down with Gatorade.

Michael Phelps sleeps underwater with one eye open.

The First rule of Michael Phelps is: you do not talk about Michael Phelps.

Arnold Schwarzenegger calls Michael Phelps for weight lifting tips.

Michael Phelps is the reason why Ian Thorpe went into retirement.

Michael Phelps will single handedly save NBC's poor summer ratings.

Michael Phelps' pulse is measured on the richter scale.

Michael Phelps can swim butterfly backwards and still beat his own world records.

There are only two things that can cut diamonds: other diamonds, and Michael Phelps.

Michael Phelps once kicked a shark in the head... Its descendants are known today as the Hammer Head.

Michael Phelps doesn't wear a watch and he never is late, in fact is always arrives in world record time.

Michael Phelps recently had the idea to sell his urine as a canned beverage. We know this beverage as Red Bull.

Some swimmers use drag suits in practice... Michael Phelps uses a lead suit.

Michael Phelps was what Willis was talkin' about.

Michael Phelps can sneeze with his eyes open... underwater!

Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Michael Phelps pajamas.

Michael Phelps built the Beijing Aquatic Center (The Cube) 30 minutes before his first race.
I think he is done swimming now so that leaves him a week to bang every chick in Olympic Village. I bet they are lining up outside his room.


Postal Paranoiac
What, has Chuck Norris been officially replaced by Michael Phelps? I recognized some of those from the 2 Chuck Norris Facts posters we have hanging in the living room. ;)
What, has Chuck Norris been officially replaced by Michael Phelps? I recognized some of those from the 2 Chuck Norris Facts posters we have hanging in the living room. ;)

I was just going to say that. Apparently Michael Phelps is actually Chuck Norris. :dunno:
Honestly.....during the 3 way interview Costas hosted with Phelps and Spitz, Spitz was the class act. Phelps seemed pretty self-absorbed, and a bit reluctant to pay homage to Spitz. Maybe it was because he was determined to make his own name in the sport rather than be "the next Mark Spitz". Maybe it's just because he's young. But whatever the case his image took a little bit of a beating in my eyes.
Honestly.....during the 3 way interview Costas hosted with Phelps and Spitz, Spitz was the class act. Phelps seemed pretty self-absorbed, and a bit reluctant to pay homage to Spitz. Maybe it was because he was determined to make his own name in the sport rather than be "the next Mark Spitz". Maybe it's just because he's young. But whatever the case his image took a little bit of a beating in my eyes.

It wasn't that bad. However, in other coverage of him I get the feeling he is a little self absorbed. Something about him doesn't seem right.