Stocky, fuller women are my favorite full hips to penetrate ...
Stocky fully figured women are not only some of the hottest, full fucking hip'd women out there, but I married one so I would never stop ...
Wife learned really quick into our marriage that my "stamina" erodes from tens upon tens of minutes to only tens of seconds when she dropped her hips atop of my vertical member for the first time on our honeymoon. What she thought would be a session of endless groping of her breasts planted in my face turned out to be my utter clasp of her hips and push-down as she bounced atop.
And then she realized that her reduced height (as with all stocky, fuller women -- 4'10" to just into 5') meant I didn't just have the option to clasp her hips. Instead, I wrapped my arms underneath her arms, pulled my hands towards me and over her shoulders, so I could pull her body straight down every time she tried to lift her body off of my manhood. It also meant she no longer had control and could not escape.
Not even a full minute after mounting, her apex experienced her first load against gravity. Of course I kept using my arms and its control over her to help lift her up and down so the lather was still liberally foaming all over our connection for minutes after that. Such hips may be a siphon, but gravity ultimately wins (to quite the mess