Again, look on the bright side. Before 2002, they didn't have hole-card cams, so on any hand that didn't get revealed, you never had any idea what they had. And back then it was Gabe Kaplan or Dick Van Patton (Vinces' dad....the Eight is Enough guy) doing the talking. Kaplan is a decent sort, but poker commentating is not his thing.
As someone who has been in the biz for 16 years, let me add this. On "High Stakes Poker", they do that shit with running the board twice (or more), insurance bets, etc. 100% pussies. P-U-S-S-I-E-S. This is not how poker should be played. And these little bastards with their, "If I fold, will you show?" ---- P-U-S-S-I-E-S.
I do my job and I'm pretty good at it, but my respect for the people I cater to is nil. They don't deserve respect, admiration or emulation.
Negreanu and Scotty Nguyen are both pretty cool though.