Fuck Poker


Lord Dipstick
If Poker is a "sport" then Jerking Off should be a Gold Medal event on the last day of the Winter Olympics. :facepalm:


Look on the bright side, it's what I do for a living. If you thing watching is painful, try dealing with these obnoxious assholes in person.
Look on the bright side, it's what I do for a living. If you thing watching is painful, try dealing with these obnoxious assholes in person.

I can appreciate an obnoxious asshole. The problem is, the excitement does not carry over to television. It's boring as fuck. Same with the darts and bowling these sports channels try to shove down our throats. Fun in real life....not so much on television.
I see you are still at this ST. You will be wishing poker was on tv when they start showing WOW and COD primetime.


Again, look on the bright side. Before 2002, they didn't have hole-card cams, so on any hand that didn't get revealed, you never had any idea what they had. And back then it was Gabe Kaplan or Dick Van Patton (Vinces' dad....the Eight is Enough guy) doing the talking. Kaplan is a decent sort, but poker commentating is not his thing.

As someone who has been in the biz for 16 years, let me add this. On "High Stakes Poker", they do that shit with running the board twice (or more), insurance bets, etc. 100% pussies. P-U-S-S-I-E-S. This is not how poker should be played. And these little bastards with their, "If I fold, will you show?" ---- P-U-S-S-I-E-S.

I do my job and I'm pretty good at it, but my respect for the people I cater to is nil. They don't deserve respect, admiration or emulation.

Negreanu and Scotty Nguyen are both pretty cool though.
Watching people play poker is like watching people dance.

A lot of people enjoy living vicariously through people who try.

That said, imo Poker sucks and I would rather watch people play MTG or even D&D pen and paper for god's sake.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I enjoy watching these sports. Snooker, too, or other stuff.

But watching poker is a bit silly, I admit it


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
The only time I could stand watching poker on tv period was to see Jennifer Tilly's gorgeous knockers:drool2:


My Penis Is Dancing!
They should have televised tournaments for Cards Against Humanity. That would be fucking awesome. Seriously. Google it, then come back here and tell me how fucking awesome I am.


For the EMPEROR!!
Again, look on the bright side. Before 2002, they didn't have hole-card cams, so on any hand that didn't get revealed, you never had any idea what they had.

I remember hearing something about that. They likened it to "watching paint dry".

I have watched the WPT for 10 or 15 minutes here and there, but it gets old really fast. ..


knows petras secret: she farted.
wicked. i hate poker on tv too. all of the sudden that texas holdem shit got really popular.

they play that shit on espn. its bad enough they have nascar on espn but now poker? blah!