Fuck MTV or HMX or Warner


what the fuck you lookin at?
or who the fuck ever I need to be pissed at! Fuck I'm so mad about this shit, I don't even know who to direct it toward!

"The amount being paid to the music industry, even though [these] games are entirely dependent on the content we own and control, is far too small," Warner Music Group CEO Edgar Bronfman told analysts last summer. The money Warner receives for the use of its songs is "paltry," he said, and if the gamemakers don't pony up more cash, "we will not license to those games." In response, Rock Band publisher MTV Games is now boycotting Warner artists, according to a source close to the negotiations.

Well cartman...I guess this pretty much answers my question about when they're gonna get Pantera...FUCKING NEVER!!!! :cussing::cussing::cussing::cussing::cussing:

I seriiously hopt this blows up in MTV's face and people start boycotting them! I wanna see HMX go under cause of this shit!

A list of Warner artists:

The Warner Music Group really needs to take their heads out of their asses and realize the amount of popularity that these games bring to the genre of Rock. They are fucking stupid.

These are the same fucktards who removed every one of their music videos from youtube and have youtube suspend accounts if you use their music. This is total shit, but there is nothing we can do about it.


what the fuck you lookin at?
no shit! These are the ones I'm most upset about. I really do feel like these 2 companies have fucked me over now!

3 Doors Down - (never gonna get em)
Avenged Sevenfold - (great band and songs are fun as fuck to play)
Disturbed - (Good high energy, fun songs)
The Doobie Brothers - (classic, gotta have it)
Fleetwood Mac - (Go your own way is pretty damn fun to play, I'd take some more)
Metallica - (they already went exclusive to activision, but now there is no chance)
Nightwish - (pretty good music)

Pantera - (FUCK...) yea that's what pissed me off in the first place...I'll always have GH1 for a shitty cover of Cowboys from Hell:mad:

Papa Roach - (eh, :dunno: there are a couple songs that might be fun)
Slipknot - (another good band that was only represented once and never again...)
Trapt - (couple good songs)

...being pissed is exausting...
That does suck ass. What does that CEO care about anyway? He probably just made a million dollars for that statement and has no idea what bands are under Warner contracts.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
::shrug:: A dying industry clinging to whatever it can reach. Let the music companies spiral into the abyss. Long before 'The Man' sued napster, took legal action against children or had it's ties cut from HARMONIX... they were assholes who stifled creativity and diversity in lieu of radio play.

Sooo.. why is anyone really complaining? This wont last, because THEY wont last. You cant cut people off from the music. But you can piss off your userbase. The backlash and sales will drop even further. Sorta nice, actually. If the artists would just jump to a better label.. more lenient, forward-thinking label..
I believe the phrase you're looking for is "FUCK THE RIAA!!!" :D


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I kind of agree with the record company here.

:waits for things to be thrown at him:

No? Nothing? Mmmkay...

These games wouldn't exist without the music. These games, because of the music and the music alone, have become some of the most popular games in recent history. It's not like Madden, where the music is just in the background; the whole entire game centers around the music.

So, since it's the music that makes the games so popular, the record companies that are providing the music for the games should be getting a bigger cut of the sales.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I kind of agree with the record company here.

:waits for things to be thrown at him:

No? Nothing? Mmmkay...

These games wouldn't exist without the music. These games, because of the music and the music alone, have become some of the most popular games in recent history. It's not like Madden, where the music is just in the background; the whole entire game centers around the music.

So, since it's the music that makes the games so popular, the record companies that are providing the music for the games should be getting a bigger cut of the sales.

the artist make the fucking music! Without the artist the record companies wouldn't be shit. The artist could always switch labels. If anyone should be whining about not making enough off these games it should be the artist, but their not, you know why? Because its great exposure for their music!

It all comes back to the record company (i.e. another worthless fuck corporation) can kiss my hairy balls!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I kind of agree with the record company here.

:waits for things to be thrown at him:

::throws stuff:: You commie-loving bastard! .... therefore G_d exists. And he plays on expert with his dick. Wirelessly and without batteries. He perfects every song. Before the first note. Chuck Norris would be scared.. except Chuck Norris IS G_D! GUAH HA..hah...er...I need a drink.
the artist make the fucking music! Without the artist the record companies wouldn't be shit. The artist could always switch labels. If anyone should be whining about not making enough off these games it should be the artist, but their not, you know why? Because its great exposure for their music!

It all comes back to the record company (i.e. another worthless fuck corporation) can kiss my hairy balls!

Bingo. The sooner record companies die off the better things will be.