what the fuck you lookin at?
or who the fuck ever I need to be pissed at! Fuck I'm so mad about this shit, I don't even know who to direct it toward!
Well cartman...I guess this pretty much answers my question about when they're gonna get Pantera...FUCKING NEVER!!!! :cussing::cussing::cussing::cussing::cussing:
I seriiously hopt this blows up in MTV's face and people start boycotting them! I wanna see HMX go under cause of this shit!
A list of Warner artists:
"The amount being paid to the music industry, even though [these] games are entirely dependent on the content we own and control, is far too small," Warner Music Group CEO Edgar Bronfman told analysts last summer. The money Warner receives for the use of its songs is "paltry," he said, and if the gamemakers don't pony up more cash, "we will not license to those games." In response, Rock Band publisher MTV Games is now boycotting Warner artists, according to a source close to the negotiations.
Well cartman...I guess this pretty much answers my question about when they're gonna get Pantera...FUCKING NEVER!!!! :cussing::cussing::cussing::cussing::cussing:
I seriiously hopt this blows up in MTV's face and people start boycotting them! I wanna see HMX go under cause of this shit!
A list of Warner artists: