FTV Katarina/ Eva Roberts....broken masturbation video?

I came across a video of Eva Roberts (aka Katarina on the FTV site) masturbating outside with a blue/white striped dildo. The video skips a few times, then just as it's gettin good (around 2:00), it skips past her orgasm. I was thinking that this was a trick for the preview, but I haven't been able to find a version of the video where it is NOT like this. Does anyone know where an unbroken video could be found?

I found the video on ********** but it is also on a few other sites, just search for her FTV name. ( I tried to link but it was bad).
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apparently I also can't type in the name of the site I found it on, but there are several that I found it on, all with the same video that skips. Anyone know if this is just the way the video is, or if there is an unbroken version somewhere?
my bad, I posted something from katrina from ftv, but its not what you're looking for. I'll keep digging
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I was thinking that someone has GOT to have seen the same vid and konws what I'm talking about, I would post a link directly to it but I don't think any of them will work.
Is it the one where it looks like she squirted? She did, and the original footage caught it, but for some reason she wanted that part removed. No one knows why.
Yeah that is exactly the vid I'm talkin about! That is a strange story, but I can believe it because every video I've seen has cut out at the same spot. Weird, but I'm willing to believe that it's true.