Freestlying and writing that Dope rhyme

save your sarcasm its far fetched
waiting for my next drop your getting an orgasm
with a shriveled up penis that isn't even hard yet
I wouldn't screw with your mom if she had a fat ass
and large breast, you and the rest of your buddies can back up
with your cock sucking scarred necks
this isn't a battle more or a less a soft pest
you've been eating my words all a long
you should have to fart text
I thought only handicap people got retard rep (I crossed the line I apologize)
But I'm just saying when your not all choked up on anti depressants
and stop making excusing why your so darn stressed
talk to me but you can count that I won't be parked on the side of the road
with your mom having, dirty, stinky, nasty, filthy, rotten apple car sex
because she can have decent conversation unlike your man pussy
that has its own bar code and guard pets
and I don't want in that shit so stop harassing me
and trying to liquidate my drink
wait let me think if your such a bad cook why are you called chef?? (like to toss salads?)
but I won't question the fact your a utterly prick
just you and the rest of your tag a longs keep off my blubbery dick

and stay in school.


Postal Paranoiac
I can't understand why the mods put up with this
You hoes flamin' rhymes that got no penis
They shoulda closed this thread, stopped the replies
Like the guy in the injection chair when he dies
Move on to somethin' else before your ass draws flies
I'm into it to be generous so If I ever offended a skeet
step back and take a minute to breath
I wont ever come off as an inconsiderate thief
I've reached an illiterate breach
a bitter sweet symphony with a legitimacy
where intimacy and degenerates meet
I was configured to teach not to get bigger and eat
sit here in a vigorous seat have dinner then sleep
integers speak as If they were tender or leafs
common sense goes a long way unless your a pretender or cheap
a gender of genius that wont ever surrender to the weak
minded or those who try to render the peace
enter the week using complete sentences
instead your speech is limited
tell me why you can't reach the timid less?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I'm into it to be generous so If I ever offended a skeet
step back and take a minute to breath
I wont ever come off as an inconsiderate thief
I've reached an illiterate breach
a bitter sweet symphony with a legitimacy
where intimacy and degenerates meet
I was configured to teach not to get bigger and eat
sit here in a vigorous seat have dinner then sleep
integers speak as If they were tender or leafs
common sense goes a long way unless your a pretender or cheap
a gender of genius that wont ever surrender to the weak
minded or those who try to render the peace
enter the week using complete sentences
instead your speech is limited
tell me why you can't reach the timid less?

Shut the fuck up Junior, do I have to own you a-gain?
Do you really want to suffer through more lyrical pain?
Like Chris Jericho, I'm a much needed savior
It's about time I put to stop to all your bitch ass behavior

You won't ever come of as an "inconsiderate thief"
Because your rhymes are nothing more than an alphabetical queef
Your shit stinks up this thread like a stale old vagina
Have you forgotten that already? Well, let me remind ya

ROUND ONE, I laid you out like a right from Evander
ROUND TWO, I made you look gayer than Meekus from Zoolander (look it up)
ROUND THREE, I made you my bitch, like Teller is to Penn
ROUND FOUR, like Britney Spears mother fucker, oops, I did it again
look your already an embarrassment
unless you can talk straight I'm not hearing it
there you went? up your own ass again
whatever floats your boat
dick rider I hope you choke
Ah, look a you, you don't belong here
you will not ever pull off the rope a dope
your not good enough and that's the truth
exit to your right, or left, just leave
I thought you weren't a homosexual but you must be
your crusty not the clown but the busty
its okay to be husky, but please hoe you should love me
why are you so ugly? maybe your sense of humor needs some adjusting
you look like your blushing, do I turn you on or are you just disgusting?
this must mean, I'm reproducing, take the generation x for example
but you don't need to suck it. oh, go ahead squeeze your luck
eat some turds be a lump in the road
that get ran over in the streets for sure
and that just whats has least occurred
this man his really gay we need a cure
Something, I wrote a while back, care to disagree?
see, I'm a poet to some a regular modern day Shakespeare
Jesus Christ the king of the latter day saints here
sent to rip apart the pictures that of which they paint me as
a Mogul of hate, Satan who would rather bring atheist
but that ain't the case , see it's a mater of taste
I'm not as bad as they say he say
or am I the ladder to the gate way of escape
media scape ghost they can be mad at today
see, it's as easy as cake
simple as whistle Dixie while I'm going to battle with sixty Christians ah gain st
me, go to war with the Mormons take a bath with the Catholics
in holy water, no wonder they tried to hold me under longer
I'm to mother fucking spiteful a delightful idol the new ice cube
mother fuckers hate to like you. what did I do?

I'm just a kid from the gutter making his butter off these blood suckers

and my Friend Jeff told me to write that last time.

I give the most credit to him out of anyone, to do with anything, and everything that goes a long with that.

LSD is a mind altering drug. Do not try it unless under adult supervision. Do not even try it at all. Today's kids you can't stop them from doing anything especially when most of there parents are druggies as well. Keep ignoring the truth and it will one day start ignoring you.
I see that this fucker is still alive and kickin'
makes me wonder who's balls you're lickin'
you should quit now while you still can
coz more members are praying for you be be banned


Postal Paranoiac
It's soul, then funk, then rap--what next?
All this changin' got me all perplexed
Old R&B like your parents liked
Pushed behind and music hitchhiked
Too much bass thumpin' out when you push play
We'd rather listen to some Marvin Gaye
Before you put in that hip hop CD
Remember it started with Blues like BB
well, I got fired from my job this morning.
I went home picked the mail up I'm three months behind on my mortgage.
I go outside to feed my dog he bites me.
I go inside to tell my wife about all this and she done ran away with a lesbian.

and you tell me to have a nice day
what ever happened to pleedin your fifth
it feels like squeezen your rist
until its bleedin and drips over all
your jeans and your whip
or beefn with kids,
stealn their lunch money, drinkin there milk and eatin their chips
what about the fiends needin a fix
who traded their spleen and their ribs
to get a piece of the brick
even if My Cd's stop selling give me a reason to quit
I'll be in the stricks with a stick
willing to beat in your head
for speaking the shit you wasn't speakin
on the weekend when I was indecent and limp
so what, get off the crease of my dick
atleast I'm a pimp so much so say for a hoe
with a yiest in her vent
please be a friend? I'd rather sleep with a chimp
monkey sex is better then screaming
what it all comes down to is leaving a big space
wide up so you can succeed in your chin
to me your looking confused
your on the deep in, just another pussy to bruise
that life, and theres nothing you can push me to do.

are you ?
Uh, pump up the mic like this
Uh, pump up the mic like this
Uh, pump up the mic like this
Are you mother fuckers ready for the hot shit, son?

Middlefingerluv never makes any sense
He posts a bunch of random thoughts, without consequence
He's been around for a month, almost five-hundred posts
Ain't nobody listening to 'em, yet he still talks the most

I have yet to enjoy a single post that he's made
If he was a cut of beef, he'd be a sub-prime grade
You gotta admit, that last line made you laugh
But I gotta warn you, that ain't the best shit I have

I'll save the better stuff for a rainier day
As for now, I'm gonna leave you with only one more thing to say
When I saw who started this thread, I knew it was gonna suck
And if this thread was a grave, I'd piss on it, because I don't give a...

chef you have a bad rep
you jerk off so much you just lookn at me makes my hands sweat
are you even a man yet?
you seriously can't rap
you should be the next american idol singing at your favorite golf course
standing inside of the sand trap
so plan that, its not my fault you ran flat into the ground
looking for a fan that could appriceate your canned crap
but the only stew you be cookin will be eatin by Tan rats
chef seriously don't be an intellect
your chin will check in to the comfert in selects.
Ill give a wake up call while your sleeping on your food asking if your going to finnish that
which doesnt make much sense since your a pencil kneck.
no offence but your man vagina has been erect


Middlefingerluv, Chef just ripped you a new ass hole, lyrically.

Move on, find another hobby.
Postman Pat. Postman Pat. Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
Early in the morning, just as day is dawning, he picks up all the post bags in his van.

Postman Pat. Postman Pat. Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
All the birds are singing, and the day is just beginning. Pat feels he's a really happy man.

Everybody knows his bright red van, all his friends will smile as he waves to greet them,
Maybe, you can never be sure, there'll be knock (knock knock)
Ring (ring ring). Letters through your door. (Hee Hee).

Postman Pat. Postman Pat. Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
All the birds are singing, and the day is just beginning. Pat feels he's a really happy man.