Freeones Screen Resolution

I remember freeones having a poll to decide on the new screen resolution of the site. Have you decided on a resolution, and if so when do you plan on implementing it? (Geeze I sound like I'm working for the U.N. Security Council) :rofl: :hatsoff:
lol.... i love the screen the way it is, it fits my comp perfectly. i believe im working at 1072X748 or whatever is close to that
Jizm said:
Ya cause I got some 1900 X 1200 shit goin on here and it looks tiny! lol
It's really not bad at all. The message board spreads out , but the main page is just a strip down the middle. I was just curious is all. :hatsoff:


I think the resolution is decent enough to be able of publishing quality high-res pictures embedded in the threads.

But too big would not fit everyone's needs.
bobblez said:
I think the resolution is decent enough to be able of publishing quality high-res pictures embedded in the threads.

But too big would not fit everyone's needs.
The question (poll) would not have been raised if Freeones wasn't seeking a different resolution. The purpose of this thread is to determine his decision on that resolution. Nothing more, nothing less. So, Mr. Freeones?- What say you? :thumbsup:
I'm at 1400x1050 and it looks good. I get just over 3 posts in a thread on screen at one time and the text is easy to read.