FreeOnes Members' Collaborative Story

Mr Miyagi

At that moment, Chris (who had faked his suicide to shake off the cops), came crashing through the window of the Oval Office.....
and with all of his new weponary he set out to complete his mission, to kill carl rove!!!!:violent: there he was, new weaponry at hand... MP5 in one hand, 12" dong in the other. Chris, being the good guy/gal he is decided to play fair... "OK Pres, its your call buddy, which one of these bad boys do I empty on you?"
Chris woke up, shaking his head -- he had not paid attention as Foxxie had jumped from the Corvette, and he had wrecked the car into a parked car, knocking him unconscious...all the weaponry and images of the Oval Office had all been dreams in his injured stupor....


He seemed to be OK apart from a slight cut on his forehead. Passers by were asking if he was OK but he quickly remembered that the cops were after him, so he headed somewhere he knew he wouldn't be found...
So chris went to the airport and bought a one way ticket to alaska. "the cops will never find me there he thought."
Christopher pondered his options (thinking of a flight somewhere, the Corvette's engine rumbling with power, his head throbbing, the cops chasing him, the bullets and the car chase) when a man dressed in a black suit walked to the car, opened the door and sat next to Christoher -- "Drive, Mister Engels," he said, with authority.
Chris though decided he didnt like taking orders from strangers so he shot him in the head, killing him instantly.
"For fuck's sake, what do they WANT?" Christopher muttered aloud, wiping the blood from his face and clothes, just like in the accidental "shooting in a car" scene in "Pulp Fiction."
just when the headless corpse had finely apoted spewing blood all over his car the cops renewed there chase
Chris threw the car into gear and pushed his foot to the floor, the engine screaming and the buildings at either side of him starting to blur as the car picked up speed.
As if nothing else could go wrong, Christopher began walking along the city streets (without care), abandoning the car, and he was tired, hungry, hung over, and bemused by all the goings on of the day.
Well, he didn't wake up -- he came to his senses as he realized what had been happening this morning -- his girlfriend, having left his apartment at some point during the night while he slept, was trying to have him killed!
Christopher felt confounded sitting in the back of the cab, but he knew what he had to do -- once he arrived at Brian's house he'd get online and start his search, a search for tk_jules_04 (that ID is fictional, so don't try to mess with whoever has it, if it exists lol), someone his girlfriend had been IMing recently, someone who he suspected might be jealous of him....
he got to his brothers but he wasnt in, chris decided to let himself in and look for th info he wanted, however it was no good, chris was a bloke and therefore couldnt understand how to use the internet to look for anything other than porn....


Chris had a quick five knuckle shuffle and then started looking for tk_jules_04 on the net. He heard a noise in the corner of the room, so he went over to check it out and....SMACK, he was hit by a punch in the was his brother Brian who'd been hiding behind the curtains.