Free Porn or Paid Porn

Which do you prefer?

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Do you pay for porn or do you download free porn? If you pay for your porn which networks are you a member of? The top pornsites such as Brazzers and Reality Kings have good quality porn if you pay for it. There are some sites that have piss poor quality if paid for. Most free porn has very bad quality. Free porn is also very shot and most clips do not last a minute.

I prefer to pay for my porn. I have join pornsites but only Brazzers gives me what I really like every day.
Paid porn is definitely better I think. I like watching long scenes and seeing the entire sections that I want to.
The quality of paid porn is so much higher. I mean you can get tons of high quality videos and hi-res pics in a lot of the pay sites these days, and now that DVDs are coming out in high def and Blu-Ray life is awesome!