Frank Miller's Sin City impressions.....


Re: Sin City impressions.....

I've been waiting for this movie to come out, just from Jessica Alba and Rosario Dawson being in it. Now the fact that Carla Cugino shows her nice rack in it gives me even more reason to wanna see it.


Re: Sin City impressions.....

I just got back from this movie, and all I need to say is wow. Visually, just a masterpiece, with good action, and I thought a very entertaining plot line. I took my girlfriend to see it, and she is usually into the chick flicks, but she loved it. Clive Owen is a badass. One of the best actors out there today. I think everyone who is a movie buff needs to see this movie. I think it is my favorite comic book based movie.
Re: Sin City impressions.....

I liked that movie a lot, but I think it was really stupid to have Tarantino as a "special guest director". Might as well have been a "big name to grab attention by directing small scene in car trick". I really think the movie was good enough not to warrant cheap advertising gimmicks like that.
Re: Sin City impressions.....

This was one of the coolest movies I've ever seen, and I have seen way too many movies. The visuals were fantastic. What holes in the plot? The movie used the graphic novels as storyboards and they didn't have any holes so how did the movie. I think this has potential to be one of the best movies of the year. It's easily the best so far.
Re: Sin City impressions.....

Another thing it was all done in front of green screen so the background looks awesome. The same thing was used for Sky Captain and the World of Tommorow, which is very good looking but has a pretty bad story line. Marv kicks ass.


Re: Sin City impressions.....

myfreeones said:
This was one of the coolest movies I've ever seen, and I have seen way too many movies. The visuals were fantastic. What holes in the plot? The movie used the graphic novels as storyboards and they didn't have any holes so how did the movie. I think this has potential to be one of the best movies of the year. It's easily the best so far.

My thoughts exactly, loved the graphic novels, loved the movie. :thumbsup:
Re: Sin City impressions.....

Caught this a few days ago - superb, simply superb! Visually groundbreaking and I did like the stories so it wasn't the fact that I just admired what I saw!
Re: Sin City impressions.....

This is what i hate of live in the third world, i have to wait another week for the movie opens in my city. Damn.
Re: Sin City impressions.....

thx_0125 said:
This is what i hate of live in the third world, i have to wait another week for the movie opens in my city. Damn.
its worth the wait trust me


It's good to be the king...
Re: Frank Miller's Sin City

I hear this is a cracking movie.
I'll have to see it.


It's good to be the king...
Re: Frank Miller's Sin City

tunsty said:
I hear this is a cracking movie.
I'll have to see it.

Yeah; I went to watch Star Wars III instead (but that was because Sin City's DVD had an early release date).
Re: Frank Miller's Sin City

I throughly enjoyed the comics and the film of Sin City! Does anyone know what special features the DvD will have?
The Satyr Icon


It's good to be the king...
Re: Frank Miller's Sin City

TheSatyrIcon said:
I throughly enjoyed the comics and the film of Sin City! Does anyone know what special features the DvD will have?
The Satyr Icon

I believe it's the usual con by the studios. The August DVD release will just be the basics (following taken from

DVD Features:
* Available subtitles: Spanish
* Available Audio Tracks: English (DTS 5.1), English (Dolby Digital 5.1), French
* Behind-The-Scenes Featurette

However it's believed that a special edition will be released either late 2005 or early 2006. Rodriguez previously claimed that he was looking to release a longer variant with all 3 stories lengthened.
Re: Frank Miller's Sin City

Thanks om3ga!
I wonder what the featurette will be. I love DvDs that have lots of extras....

The Satyr Icon