Gonna go against the grain here, which is surprising to me in this overly liberal forum, but I think France is total shit for implementing this law...simply put, a government has decreed what people can and cannot wear.
When did that become OK?
This law stems from fear, and nothing else. Fear of Islam, fear of Muslims, fear of terrorists. And what some of you who have posted in this thread have missed, obviously from NOT reading the whole article, some people aren't forced to wear them...they choose to do so. They believe in their faith, and are being denied what is to them an integral part of that faith, because of fear.
Way to take a step backwards, France, way to go.
My friend wanted to wear a mask walking around at night in my city. Police stopped him and searched him. Was that unreasonable as well?
Should these women be able to wear their burqas when they take their drivers license photo as well, or is that their right?
This sort of madness doesn't fly in the modern world.