I'd immediately do some extensive research on heavy dosing of Ascorbic Acid (Pure Vitamin C) if I were in your shoes. I'm not talking about the junk you would find at the grocery store either, I'm referring to the reputable health food store grade Ascorbic Acid. There are accounts of people out there who claim to have beaten their cancer into submission with the heavy dosing of Ascorbic Acid, and from what I've seen, none have cared to drop brand names or the names of particular products, so it would seem that they're not telling their stories in order to make a quick $.
Be careful however, I don't know if heavy dosing of A. Acid may have harmful effects on your kidney . . if not, go for it, I would.
Research, research and research! I cannot stress this enough!
Are you chatting in on line forums relating to your medical condition?
It might not hurt to hook up onto a few of them.
All the best to you sir! Hang Tough
and report back with regularity if conditions permit.
Never mind those who think that you're lying about your predicament, I read your post as being forthright and honest . . if not, oh well. :dunno: