Wow...foolish and weak you may be, scared of anything slightly macho and "manly", but you at least are consistently weak, foolish, and girly-manish.:hatsoff:
The term is "Tea Party", from the Boston Tea Party tax revolt many years ago. I guess you haven't seen it written , or haven't read any history books about the event...just heard about it somewhere like MSNBC (Mighty Stupid News Broadcast Network)...or at the Wuss bar where you drink Lattes and weak Designer Beers.
Teabagging is dipping balls into someone's mouth, not a political protest rally. Get it right for once, silly child.
I seem to recall Pelosi claiming the group was a terrorist-acting protest group, just one among many leftwingnuts; and even though the gun toters were legally carrying firearms in public nowhere near any politicians speaking, you are trying to portray the action as some kind of subversive act...sorry, just people wearing firearms in public legally.
I seem to recall it was a Democrat wingnut in the House who made lunatic references to the Holocaust and HealthCare, very offensive and ultimately stupid. Get it right sometimes, can't you? Do you have selective, or defective, memory?
Like...meesterperfect's reference to Prejean was specific and relevant...yet you can't see the difference between a specific reference and some general rant about her other actions. Selective and defective memory at the same time...low quality rebuttal at best.
It doesn't matter how many hairs you split, your opinion is silly, off center, weak and of course any serious adult wouldn't respect your "opinion", or you...if and when the feces hits the fan you'll be hiding under the nearest bed crying and wailing how unfair it is.
You are good at trolling the 'Net and repeating what other people have said, but when you give a supposed opinion of your own it's apologetic, non-specific, and usually revealing of your intellectually dishonest and weak take on things.
But... you sure took Facetious to the mat on spelling "Bolshevik" with a "c"'re the MMA bad boy of spelling! :rofl:
I won't bother to respond to your rants about machismo, your judgment that I lack it, and such...
As for the rest... The term "teabagger" was employed by the current protestors themselves before any of their more dirty-minded opponents used it. It's funny how you provided the dirty definition, as I had always thought before now that it meant a dropping of the nutsack on another's forehead (as in the movie "Pecker") - nothing as wild as what you described.
The current group of tea party protestors is not historically comparable to the original protestors of 1773 - unless you want to limit your comparison merely to the idea that both groups (then and now) were upset or angry. Wow. See this article - "The 'Tea Party' Movement and Its Misuse of History" for further details on that...
meesterperfect's reference to the beauty pageant contestant Prejean was simply ridiculous, whether it was his point, or just an example. He said:
"you know you guys are alot like that gay guy that trashed ms. california because she thinks marraige is for men/women only.
you dont respect others opinions and you resort to name calling and show hatred for those who disagree with you."
Prejean was a contestant in a beauty pageant. She wasn't participating in a political demonstration. Her views, nor the judge's, on any topic (beyond fashion, style, make-up, beauty, swimsuits, etc.) are really pretty irrelevant to what a beauty pageant is about.
Ratzenberger, on the other hand, expressed a political viewpoint at a political event. I am not going to judge his acting skills based on his political opinions. I actually thought he did great work on Cheers as the maildude.
(and titsrock's point is also sound - Prejean marketed herself, and was marketed by others, as an oppressed conservative who was denied justice (the beauty queen title - :crying
Lastly, here's a photo of the Dachau = Obamacare protest sign in DC: