For a Million Dollars would you...


run with a gun at an US airport?


Closed Account

Drink the blood form a snake?


Closed Account
Yeah I guess I could. ;)

Let someone stick a needle in your eye?
yes, I've had that done and I had to pay for it.

Walk around your town for 24hrs yelling "I Love to have sex with every woman I see:?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Probably, depends on how pointy the grass is.

Would you sit in the bottom of an outhouse at a chili cookoff?

Would you be a hitman?
NO, I think life is to spacial, I could never take someones life unless they were hurting someone!

(Same to you)

Would you be a hitman?
If it was a millions dollars every hit then yes, haha

Do gay porn?


Closed Account
I would take part in porn with another girl for less than one million.

Would you take part in a 2 girls one cup style "session"?
Maybe, How fast would the car be going?

Shave off all the hair on you head and get a tattoo of a cock or pussy in its place in time for a special event like your wedding?
Haha good one, and yes I would

Let a black widow bite you