Firefighters watch home burn away since owner didn't pay fee

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Chris Rock:

The worst part about it is that we pay taxes for shit we don't even use.

Like the fire department: My house ain't burning! I keep the sprinklers on 24 hours a day. Gotta nice moist house!
"Thanks, DAD. :mad: fuck..:mad:"

Talk about the boy who cried wolf, dang...

How would the home insurance work then? Would he still be covered? I can't see insurance companies wanting to insure an unprotected home... :dunno:

No way an insurance policy is going to pay out if the holder refused to pay an necessary (and very minor) fee to make sure you have fire protection. It was also most likely a condition of sale when they purchased the house - they had to sign something saying they'd pay the fee.

They refuse to pay the fee. They don't get fire protection. They don't get insurance.

Mr Dragon

king of freeones
wtf i would move


Lord Dipstick
....and ever since 9/11, these douches are referred to as "heroes"!? :facepalm:

All I see these "heroes" do when I walk by a fire house is wash their fuckin' trucks and walk around holding their smelly boots in my car window to make beer money!
It is appaling to me that they didn't do their job in this instance....regardless of the bullshit circumstance....I demand they be fired at once!!


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
wtf i would move

What in the purple pope fuck is that about? He has to move because his goddamn house burned down. You can't live in rubble. Did you even read the fucking article?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
He can't read.

He does have a badass siggy :)D) despite the fact that he managed to fuck up the only part he was responsible for: spelling her goddamn name correctly.
No way an insurance policy is going to pay out if the holder refused to pay an necessary (and very minor) fee to make sure you have fire protection. It was also most likely a condition of sale when they purchased the house - they had to sign something saying they'd pay the fee.

They refuse to pay the fee. They don't get fire protection. They don't get insurance.

Well, if you finance a house (or a car)..the bank is going to make sure it's investment is insured. You get a certain amount of time to get your own reasonable policy on your own or they insure it themselves, bill you for the high cost forced policy and tack it onto your note.

You don't pay the extra on the's just like being delinquent and they can foreclose or repossess.
The thing is though, that you don't sign up to be a fireman for the fucking money. You sign up to help save lives, by helping people who can't do it themselves. When people depend on you, there's no room for selfishness or arrogance. NONE. How petty do you have to be to refuse to help another human being who needs you. Not only did they NOT help, but they made it a point to stand there and watch?? The price that man paid for his mistake was MUCH bigger than it needed to be. ABSOLUTELY ridiculous.

The thing is though, that you don't sign up to be a fireman for the fucking money. You sign up to help save lives, by helping people who can't do it themselves. When people depend on you, there's no room for selfishness or arrogance. NONE. How petty do you have to be to refuse to help another human being who needs you. Not only did they NOT help, but they made it a point to stand there and watch?? The price that man paid for his mistake was MUCH bigger than it needed to be. ABSOLUTELY ridiculous.


You volunteer for the military, police dept. or fire dept. That doesn't mean your salary appears out of thin air although I get the gist of your point.

How can a fireman stand around and watch someone's property burn and do nothing.

Almost like the Hippocratic oath doctors pledge to.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
True enough. On both counts.

What's the font you used in that siggy, and from where did you download said font?

It's Magneto. I didn't download it from anywhere. :dunno: It's available in all Adobe Master Collection CS5 programs. It's enhanced with drop shadows, outer and inner glows, stroke, and emboss. My nerd is showing, right? :o

Quick question: what does the font used in my signature text about the models and the Colbert quote look like? It's script on my screen, but I wonder if everyone sees it that way or not depending on the fonts they have loaded.
It's Magneto. I didn't download it from anywhere. :dunno: It's available in all Adobe Master Collection CS5 programs. It's enhanced with drop shadows, outer and inner glows, stroke, and emboss. My nerd is showing. :o

Quick question: what does the font used in my signature text about the models and the Colbert quote look like? It's script on my screen, but I wonder if everyone sees it that way or not depending on the fonts they have loaded.

Looks like a hand written script. Kinda. Not a great one. I mean, it isn't comic sans, or any shit like that, but it isn't brilliant. But I'm a font nerd.

I'm still working with CS3, because CS4 was such a bullshit update, and I haven't checked out 5 yet. Worth it?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Looks like a hand written script. Kinda. Not a great one. I mean, it isn't comic sans, or any shit like that, but it isn't brilliant. But I'm a font nerd.

I'm still working with CS3, because CS4 was such a bullshit update, and I haven't checked out 5 yet. Worth it?

Okay, good. Always wondered about the font. It's Segoe Script. Not my favorite either, but I like it.

Um... I didn't pay for CS4 or CS5 :)facepalm: at me, I know). So yeah, both are worth it.
It's Magneto. I didn't download it from anywhere. :dunno: It's available in all Adobe Master Collection CS5 programs. It's enhanced with drop shadows, outer and inner glows, stroke, and emboss. My nerd is showing, right? :o

Quick question: what does the font used in my signature text about the models and the Colbert quote look like? It's script on my screen, but I wonder if everyone sees it that way or not depending on the fonts they have loaded.

Looks like a hand written script. Kinda. Not a great one. I mean, it isn't comic sans, or any shit like that, but it isn't brilliant. But I'm a font nerd.

I'm still working with CS3, because CS4 was such a bullshit update, and I haven't checked out 5 yet. Worth it?

Okay, good. Always wondered about the font. It's Segoe Script. Not my favorite either, but I like it.

Um... I didn't pay for CS4 or CS5 :)facepalm: at me, I know). So yeah, both are worth it.

People who don't pay their taxes and people who don't pay their fees shouldn't have the same treatment as people who do. If everybody got the same treatment, regardless if they paid their taxes/fees or not, then nobody would pay taxes. I mean, why would you? Why pay for things that I can get for free, you know?

Let's say that this guy did receive fire protection from his local fire department, even though he didn't pay his fee. Wouldn't that give the rest of the people who actually did pay their fee a valid and completely justifiable reason to bitch and request that they get their money back? "Hey, that guy didn't pay his $75 fee, but he still received fire protection service. What am I paying $75 for if people who don't pay anything receive the same benefit as I do? What a scam!!!"


Does it suck that this guy lost his home to a fire? Yes. Is it his fault that his house burnt down? Not that I am aware of (I didn't read anywhere that listed the cause, but I assume it was an accident). But, it is his fault that he didn't have fire protection service - he didn't pay his fee, therefore, he doesn't get fire protection service.

What about the people that can't pay or at least have low enough income that they would have a hard time paying and it would be significant burden to them? That seventy five dollars might very well help them pay most of their bills for the month or by them food for that time when they are living on the edge. They would be denied something that is a necessary public service. I don't see this as any better than the police not showing up when somebody's trying to kill another person because some fee wasn't paid, schools not being put up buildings to educate kids because a large area is poor, or the postal service not coming to an area because there is no profit in it.

Something else that would happen is if fire departments were just another business or were privatized what's to keep them from not servicing an area or just not giving people the option of fire protection at all if they don't think there's enough profit in it? Businesses don't do anything out of the kindness of their own heart. The only two options would to be have nothing and let the whole neighborhood burn down, or have woefully inadequate, cheap, under funded, and unskilled force of firefighters that will probably let the neighborhood burn down anyway. In society to have it function properly and be ethical and fair often people might be required to pay disproportionately for something that doesn't benefit them, like having a neighbors child down the street be able to go to school or to help and try to have the neighbor’s house not burn down when it catches fire.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt