People who don't pay their taxes and people who don't pay their fees shouldn't have the same treatment as people who do. If everybody got the same treatment, regardless if they paid their taxes/fees or not, then nobody would pay taxes. I mean, why would you? Why pay for things that I can get for free, you know?
Let's say that this guy did receive fire protection from his local fire department, even though he didn't pay his fee. Wouldn't that give the rest of the people who actually did pay their fee a valid and completely justifiable reason to bitch and request that they get their money back? "Hey, that guy didn't pay his $75 fee, but he still received fire protection service. What am I paying $75 for if people who don't pay anything receive the same benefit as I do? What a scam!!!"
Does it suck that this guy lost his home to a fire? Yes. Is it his fault that his house burnt down? Not that I am aware of (I didn't read anywhere that listed the cause, but I assume it was an accident). But, it is his fault that he didn't have fire protection service - he didn't pay his fee, therefore, he doesn't get fire protection service.