New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
then why all the hubaloo from President Trump's detractors? I think I answered my own question.
Yes, leave President Trump alone. :weeping:
then why all the hubaloo from President Trump's detractors? I think I answered my own question.
then why all the hubaloo from President Trump's detractors?
I think I answered my own question.
Fucking A! You got that right!...... our President won the biggest game of chicken played in the last thirty years. Kind of funny how this isn't news anymore.
I think many of us just naturally wince when we remember Bush's incredibly idiotic "bring it on" message to terrorists. This had that same flavor, though in reality using it again Un was far less likely to generate counterproductive results.
Obama: "Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,"
800 ago.
Now this week it Pakistan
Trump says "We're putting Pakistan on notice" (and he's upping the war in Afghanistan....what exactly did Afghanistan do to the US again, I forgot?)
What an asshole.
Not just for the dumbass statement but because he's suddenly so war happy since around last March and he ran saying he was going to stop the wars..........now he can't seem to get enough. Threatening and trying to bully everyone.
We've been duped. He was full of shit the whole time.
But its really not him. He's just another puppet in a suit. I just don't know why he would leave his cushy life to do this at his age.
Either way, can't make it great again if all your doing is going around the globe dropping bombs....but it does make it great for the war profiteers and the banks.
Hail Satan
we're all gonna die!!!
someday. We all owe a death. But it probably won't be at the hands of little kim because our president won the biggest game of chicken played in the last thirty years. Kind of funny how this isn't news anymore.
Oh man! If only somebody had warned us that trump was full of shit before the election!
These guys have put their money on Iran and October, let's see how they go....http://www.salon.com/2017/08/10/this-october-trump-will-try-to-start-a-war-with-iran_partner/
I didn't hear anybody saying he was full of shit about the never ending war program that has killed millions of civilians, fucked up our economy, put us in debt like never before, polluted the earth forever, while making war profiteers and banks richer and richer and destroying all the countries near our good buddy israel.
Then you just weren't paying attention, because in every debate and at every campaign whistle stop he spoke like a full blown war hawk regarding Iran while castigating the Iran nuke deal.
See bodes what people like you just can't see is that all these military invasions, all the military, intelligence and security ect ect ect spending which was all based on the official bullshit story of 9/11 16 years ago has sucked the wealth out of the USA.
Its bankrupted it.
Its hurt the American people
As far as sacrificing our principles....that statement is why I think Bin Laden never said it.
Our principles for at least the last 100 years is money. Thats all.