Oh just shut up.
This bastard has nukes. He has threatened to use them.
The United States or any other country would react to these kind of threats.
You're one of those Code Pink types aren't you?
Nobody wants war, I am sure Trump doesn't.
Especially now.
Thanks BC,
Youre a good guy and I know I wont get you to see it my way.
And also to Partisan Hack and any other human in the world who may stumble upon this:
He is no threat.
All what we think we know about North Korea comes from the GOV and its media.
The same people we know lie to us every day and have for years.
The ones who have lied us into war and invasions over and over for over a hundred years.
Especially since 9/11.
And to PH's "reasons" to attack Korea:
You sure you mean Korea and not Israel?
Because that could have described Israel perfectly.
And I aint no code pink.
Just a person who wants not only whats best for my country but the entire planet.
War with Korea ain't it.
But lets say we attack Korea.
Well they aren't Libya or Iraq or Somalia or Yemen ect ect ect ect ect.
If we send troops into there they will be killed.
So what , I guess just drop tons of bombs on them like we did to Libya who didn't even fire a shot in defense.
Kill a few hundred thousand or million innocent humans .poison the earth with uranium.
Send in Al-Qaeuada to take over and finish off who's left.
Steal their gold and wealth and make it "just disappear".
And install a Zio Central Bank.
Make the war profiteers richer.
And wipe out another ally of Iran, Israels chosen enemy Iran.
That is the US playbook. None of that helps the people of the USA.
And there is no reason to think it will change in Korea.
That is what will happen.
And then they will move on to their next boogeyman.
Thank you you've been great.