....I saw Jamie Lee Curtis...
maildude Postal Paranoiac Jan 21, 2008 #7,002 ...her tits were as fine as ever. There were doctors playing with...
slowhand Closed Account Jan 21, 2008 #7,003 My mind telling me a bunch of nonsense. I hope today is..............
member006 Closed Account Jan 23, 2008 #7,004 A better one than yesterday, it sucked. Will someone please rake my yard, I can't seem to find the.............
A better one than yesterday, it sucked. Will someone please rake my yard, I can't seem to find the.............
slowhand Closed Account Jan 23, 2008 #7,005 Time to do it. Its cold out this morning and................
member006 Closed Account Jan 23, 2008 #7,006 ...it doesn't look like it will change anytime soon. I really think the election is ............
P panasynce70uk Jan 23, 2008 #7,008 ..........wank without being disturbed. Should I get a dog or ..................
member006 Closed Account Jan 23, 2008 #7,010 ...go eat lunch. If the sky is blue and the grass green the air must be............
slowhand Closed Account Jan 25, 2008 #7,013 a cup of coffee. Its to cold this morning so...................
member006 Closed Account Jan 25, 2008 #7,015 ..sprung a leak so there goes another Joe Boxer Pocket -T. Did you ever............
member006 Closed Account Jan 31, 2008 #7,019 ......a shower when the phone keeps ringing. If you don't soon start a savings account you ...........
......a shower when the phone keeps ringing. If you don't soon start a savings account you ...........