good banging then. I must coness, I have this...
Dro50 Jul 14, 2006 #2,142 gargantuan debt to pya to over 20,000 porn sites. It's better to be free and dead than...
nothingandless Jul 14, 2006 #2,144 ...usually listening to ac/dc. a coward is somebody who, when confronted with...
I iluvbgtits Jul 14, 2006 #2,145 ...the truth, screws up and confesses to everything! (lol) I get so hard when looking at the babygotboobs vids, that it's....
...the truth, screws up and confesses to everything! (lol) I get so hard when looking at the babygotboobs vids, that it's....
nothingandless Jul 14, 2006 #2,146 ...almost impossible for me not to throw my shoulder out. i wonder what it's like being with a 16 foot tall...
...almost impossible for me not to throw my shoulder out. i wonder what it's like being with a 16 foot tall...
D D-rock Jul 15, 2006 #2,148 ...midgets inside of it to generate the power it needs. Do it like a....
drdeath67 Jul 15, 2006 #2,149 ...creampuff with you pickled pigs feet? Bologna and whipped cream is one tasty....
D D-rock Jul 15, 2006 #2,150 ...meal when you add habanero peppers to it. It was the night befoe Christmas...
drdeath67 Jul 15, 2006 #2,151 And all through the house, I started inching, I think it was a louse...
Joanne1700668391 Jul 15, 2006 #2,152, it was me, the old Freeones Mouse! Normally, I wouldn't dream of...
drdeath67 Jul 15, 2006 #2,153 ...running down a busy roadway but hey, I'm unpredictable! A few weeks ago I was swimming along down the Thames River when...
...running down a busy roadway but hey, I'm unpredictable! A few weeks ago I was swimming along down the Thames River when...
Montrealman Jul 15, 2006 #2,154 ...Mr.Thames came over in a canoe and told me "Get the F#$k off my river!!!" So, I then....
drdeath67 Jul 15, 2006 #2,155 the F#$k off his river...'cause the dude was a giant!!!! Running away like a puss I....
drdeath67 Jul 15, 2006 #2,157 ...all had cabbages for hands! I screamed, "Whoa, you have cabbages for hands! WHAT THE....."
Joanne1700668391 Jul 15, 2006 #2,158 ...HELL HAS DR DEATH BEEN SMOKING?" My wacky baccy dreams always include...
drdeath67 Jul 15, 2006 #2,159 ...clowns and a sweet lil' mouse that is actually funnier than the clowns! She tells the best jokes like the one about the Rabbi and the....
...clowns and a sweet lil' mouse that is actually funnier than the clowns! She tells the best jokes like the one about the Rabbi and the....
jod0565 Member, you member... Jul 15, 2006 #2,160 ...the Ham Hawk - which is a big swooping bird that attacks pigs. Jacked up feet on women are...