Figuring out TRUMP

One can be a conspiracy theorist and still be a sheep.
It's not like they're unique, or small in numbers, although they seem to think they are :dunno:
The internet is packed with birthers, truthers, etc. etc.

Kind of a conspiracy theory nut myself but not in to forming them I just enjoy reading every point of view I can find a forming my own opinion from the material.
Probably read wayyyyy too much but WTF.


Closed Account
I'm a sheep? I believe everything thats spoon fed to me?
Fraid you got the wrong guy there.
Ok youre right. She's an honest straight up person who never lies and is not corrupt in the least.
She's the best person for PREZ. All wars and invasions will stop. Our rights will be upheld and our economy will blossom.
If CNN says it , it must be true.

Given how harsh the media has been to her I think I'll vote for her out of pity.

Plus we need a woman in the White House, long overdue I say.

The media have their share of biases but that CNN clip was rife with sarcasm.
I am trying to figure out trump and his winning strategy

1- He may be trying to get an overly abundant amount of white voters. His strategy is to divide people and conquer with white voters.
figuering he could not get enough latinos any way as republicans have been trying to do that any way for a few pres election cycles. I think he made a determination b 4 he entered race to go the build a wall routine and lose the latino vote. As it has not worked in the past at least a new strategy is different and may work. It would be best if he can flip Florida Ohio and Pennsylvania.

2- it has been suggested that he really did not want to win- just get notoriety. With his campaign doing so well he realizes he has a shot and is purposely sabotaging his chances as he would have to move out of his trump tower perfect house into that crappy house on 1600 pennsylvania avenue in DC.

3 Is it that he has no filter between his brain/eyes/ears and his mouth and he can not stop the attacks when he is insulted. People who work with him or have worked with him describe him as very smart and a quick learner.

4- With his earlier contacts with the clintons and democrat views is he a plant candidate to lose so hillary can win.
It remind me of a movie with a presidential candidate running for office and getting a note that he was supposed to lose all the time and he ended up winning.

I think there is a strategy to win and trump has a strategy and has decided to use an asymetrical strategy to win.
I believe he figured he could not win against so many experienced politicians in the primary so he had to use a strategy
unlike any other and maybe even to surprise opponents.

He figured as a person with no political experience and at a disadvantage he would go the non traditional route of not trying to cozy up to latinos and other groups- the bitterness is mainly a media, talking heads thing. He is probably going to get more wht voters than usual and pick up as many non whites as he can. I figure it is a valid way to go as the usual way has not worked in the past.

At worst he loses but gets more notoriety. He probably fiqured he would have to pull out early in the primary.
HIS BIG GIFT is Julian Assange/Clinton EMAILS and the fact her deleated ones will make an appearance with really embarrassing stuff on them. It wil prove how arrogant she is and get caught going just a little too far with stretching the legal boundaries the clintons like to test

PLEASE COMMENT- I would like your opinions
Is trump or clinton a complete fool

(The following assumes that trump can get all states that romney got in 2012)
ADDITIONAL POINT- If trump can flip florida, pennsylvania and ohio from 2012 to republican-- he wins by an 3 extra electoral votes
However if a third party can get a small state like utah or new mexico no one will get to 270 electoral votes (all they need to do is siphon off 4 votes from previous republican pres election.)

OP ur the complete fool


Hiliary 2020
Kind of a conspiracy theory nut myself but not in to forming them I just enjoy reading every point of view I can find a forming my own opinion from the material.
Probably read wayyyyy too much but WTF.

Your not a conspiracy theorist.
Neither am I.
That's just a term some people use to try to take away the credibility of people who can actually use critical thinking and amass information to form a clear idea of what the truth really is about a particular subject.

We are not rare or unique or in small numbers either.
Figuring out Trump? Hell, I've been following his career for almost 30 years and I can't figure him out (now). The Donald Trump of the mid to late 80's, I would probably vote for. I was heavily involved in real estate and banking back then, and his style met with my view of the world and approach to business in those days. I'm not that way anymore, but then, yes, he would have fit the bill for me. But the Trump that developed in the 90's to the mid 2000's, I would have reservations about, though he still *might* get my vote. But now, the one from about 2008 to now, hell to the NO! He's turned almost purely into a "celebrity businessman" that primarily trades on past successes. He has developed a habit of shooting (almost entirely) from the hip and saying ridiculous and outlandish things, based on semi-truths, and worse, pure fantasy. He also flip-flops too much. He could just as easily be running as a liberal Democrat, based on many of his views (depending on the day of the week). Hillary is so flawed. She's like a fat, one-legged goose, waddling around on Christmas morning. If Trump wasn't such a thin-skinned buffoon, he could/should be able to wipe the floor with her. But because of his lack of discipline and immature nature, she's getting support, just because people (even many Republicans) are afraid of and/or ashamed to be associated with him. Amazing! :facepalm: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, he is.

Which leads me to Hillary. I wouldn't vote for her either. While I'm sure that some of what's said about her is exaggerated, I'm also sure that there's a lot about her that is yet to come to light. And being a media darling, the mainstream broadcast and print media generally has her back. But still, there's a reason that she has such incredibly low trustworthiness ratings from even liberal Democrats. I perceive her to be as fake as the day is long, and that's only matched by her through and through corrupt traits. Even measured against other national politicians, she and her husband have taken it to new heights (or depths). The emails and her half-assed spin on that is one thing. But the way that the Clinton Foundation handles its finances, combined with the fix that was put in at the DNC to benefit her and eliminate the Sanders threat, stinks to high Heaven. I learned as a child, once a dog starts killing chickens as a pup, you'll never get that taste for blood out of him. He might behave himself while you're watching him. But as soon as you turn your back, he's going to be eyeing your best laying hen. That's just who Hillary is. It's in her.

As I've said before, this is without a doubt, the worst pair of Presidential candidates (from the major parties) that I can remember in my lifetime. And while I'm more libertarian (with a small "l"), I'm not crazy about Gary Johnson either. But I'm looking at him harder and harder by the day. I need to learn more. Because I will not vote for the crook or the kook.

Say what you want but Trump has orchestrated more change than the original change candidate Obama
Stop it with the fucking necrobumping.