
i'm scared of an alcohol prohibition.

a fear of success i guess. and responsibility. with success comes responsibility. i try to avoid that.
"Tosses a spider on jan"
Man I'm right there with ya on the spider thing! Those little fuckers freak me the fuck out! Have no idea why. Though I have found that the bigger they are the worse the fear is for me! Saw, I think it was Jeff Corwin pokin around a burrow of a goliath spider, and this thing lunged out of the hole...I jumped straight up and over the back of the couch screaming like a little bitch! God damn spider is like a foot across with fangs that are over an inch long! It eats birds for fuck sake...IT EATS BIRDS!!! :eek: that's just not right!

LOL. I feel you, man, Really scary shit!

If i'm not mistaken, this thread is about phobia or irrational and illogical fears.
worrying about losing job or family or fear of speeding dosn't count as phobia IMO

from what i gathered arachnophobia and acrophobia are the most common phobias everywhere.

I've both actually, though i'm really comfortable with snakes (non-poisonous ones of course)

I'm also somehow afraid of water and the sound of water pumps, big ones not the small ones used for homes. it makes me imagine a deep dark creepy well.
perhaps i've drowned in my previous life
Hospitals... Hate them. There's a term for it, but I've forgotten. I think my fear of hospitals isn't quite strong enough to be a phobia though. I can bare them. As long as I can go outside and breath every once in a while.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Needles, I hate the damn things.
Yeah, Id have to say the whole ocean thing is pretty scary. Didn't realize how scary it was till I went on a Carnival Cruise to Mexico once. Scariest shit in the world at night. Its pitch black in all directions and your miles away from everything on the planet with nothing but thousands of unknown strange creatures beneath you. I heard its also quite common for people to fall off the side of these massive boats and no one to ever know about it cause no one sees or hears you. That would suck ass. What a horrible way to go.
I've recently developed a fear of flying, which is not related to terrorism, just the thought of plunging 30,000 feet to my death, and of course, Miley Cyrus. She's taking over the world! :shocked: