

Closed Account
I'm pretty sure this hasn't been talked about before.

Was having a long talk with work buddies about fears and stuff today, so was just wondering what everyone on the boards phobias are?

For me, mainly its the fear of the unknown. Eg. swimming out at sea. Seriously, you never know whats underneath you.

Also, when im sitting at the train station and a fast train goes SPEEEEDING past, that freaks me out so much i usually jump behind a wall.

And blue ink. I fucking can't stand blue ink in pens. It gives me the creeps. ITS JUST NOT RIGHT!


Hmmmm...... let me think about this one.... ;) :D

When I was out of shape for a brief period, I found that I was far more agressive, angrier and unrealistic. Mostly, my irrational fears had to do with me not being able to breathe. Usually, it was a fear while sleeping (that was a bitch). I found that getting cut up again and eating right, solved most of my self imposed obstacles and problems.

i need to say this one carefully - I still have an irrational anger and maybe even despiser toward people who exhibit poor taste in appearance, yet are very conceited. That mostly occurs when I travel in non-Mediterranean countries.... I can't shut that one off, and I am very judgmental on how people clothe themselves and make far too strong assumptions about them because of it. (More often than not I am wrong, but I still often cannot stop focusing on their poor footwear, glasses, makeup, whatever)

I still need to work on that one. :(
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Hmmm I'm afraid of...
-Venereal Diseases
-The chic from the movie "Don't be a Menace" who turns into a freak!
-Going to Jail
-Getting a girl pregnant when we're not ready
-Girls who say I love you after three days of knowing you
-Drinking old milk or consuming anything thats gone bad
-Dying from one of the worst ways to die...See "whats the worst way to die thread"
-Breaking bones and spraining ankles
Can't keep goin...I'm paranoid enough as it is lol:eek:
A phobia of mine is water. I've never been comfortable with large amounts of water. I don't like the thought of what may be beneath or around me when I'm in the sea. I can't stand the thought of something being able to attack me and drag me below the surface. Nor do I like huge waves. There's just something completely wrong about those. I don't know what it is. It's like a wave is more frightening than an avalance or a stream of lava or something like that.

Other things I fear are losing my youth, wasting my life away, being lonely, and generally anything that has to do with making my life a complete waste of time.


Retired Moderator
The fear of arthropods is probably my most terrible - especially of spiders, scorpions and centipedes. Although I try to handle it rationally, I cannot get over it - I feel very uncomfortable even when I browse through a book about these animals and touch the pictures of them.

Another thing that is horrible for me is butter. It disgusts me so strongly that I cannot stand being in the same room with somebody who eats fx bread and butter - I must leave immediately, because I nearly vomit.


what the fuck you lookin at?
"Tosses a spider on jan"
Man I'm right there with ya on the spider thing! Those little fuckers freak me the fuck out! Have no idea why. Though I have found that the bigger they are the worse the fear is for me! Saw, I think it was Jeff Corwin pokin around a burrow of a goliath spider, and this thing lunged out of the hole...I jumped straight up and over the back of the couch screaming like a little bitch! God damn spider is like a foot across with fangs that are over an inch long! It eats birds for fuck sake...IT EATS BIRDS!!! :eek: that's just not right!


knows petras secret: she farted.
the older i get, the more im not liking heights (acrophobia)

didnt bother me much before but now. i get tingley and almost freeze for a minute sometimes. i hate spiders, but i think everyone does. well almost everyone. i think its a natural instict. some of those things can fuck you up.
Iam a Volunteer Fire Fighter in Upstate Ny so iam afraid of Dieing or atleast i thought i was. When i became a Firefighter my Fear of Death Simply went away It,s Amazing how you dont think about death when the tones go out. I Barly think about it.
the older i get, the more im not liking heights (acrophobia)

didnt bother me much before but now. i get tingley and almost freeze for a minute sometimes. i hate spiders, but i think everyone does. well almost everyone. i think its a natural instict. some of those things can fuck you up.
I dont hate spiders....they guard me from disease carrying mosquitos:D
youre afraid of spraining your ankle? ah, there is nothing to them. tear a tendon, then you will change this thought.:D

Well ya know when your watching basketball on TV and then a player sprains his ankle landing on the ground or on someones foot and then they do a replay of it like 30 fuckin times ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't look and I'm never gettin off the couch again!!!:eek: :eek:
Well ya know when your watching basketball on TV and then a player sprains his ankle landing on the ground or on someones foot and then they do a replay of it like 30 fuckin times ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't look and I'm never gettin off the couch again!!!:eek: :eek:

i take it, when jason kendall turned his foot the opposite direction and had the bone sticking out, you didnt like that?:rofl:
my biggest fear is not being able to protect my family. like if somone was to harm them me not being able to either be there or to stop them. i somtimes have nightmares about it.
Iam a Volunteer Fire Fighter in Upstate Ny so iam afraid of Dieing or atleast i thought i was. When i became a Firefighter my Fear of Death Simply went away It,s Amazing how you dont think about death when the tones go out. I Barly think about it.
This is either complete BS or you are just one scary dude to work around with...

Nothing personal, mind.

i was gonna see what peoples fears are but i see there is a thread on this so ill bump it

spiders my god i am so scared of spiders. pictrue a 6'4 300 pound man running threw the house screaming like a teen girl at a hannah montanna concert ( yeah im that scared of them) im scared to fail , im scare of dieing .
i spent most of my teen hood hoping i closed my eyes and the pain stopped now that i have things worth living for i hope this ride never ends
im also scared of myself the mind is a very powerful