FCC moves toward Net Neutrality Rules


FCC Moves Toward Net Neutrality Rules

Dec 30, 2009 6:50 am

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission, in taking the first step toward creating net neutrality rules earlier this year, has reignited a contentious debate about government regulation of the Internet.

Opponents of new net neutrality rule . . .
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What particular gripes might you have about net neutrality rules ?

Will E Worm

It would create intrusive new rules.

The hands-off approach to Web regulation is the way to go.
As if the Goverment has nothing else they can screw up, now this. Some dope was probebly sitting in his office one day bored and thought "Here's a great idea let's fix something else that's not broke!"
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What particular gripes might you have about net neutrality rules ?

Net neutrality is in my view one of the most important issues in the US. There is absolutely no reason violate net neutrality. All it does is legalizes segregating web traffic by ISPs. The cell phone industry is a great example of what could happen if many in the government are allowed to have their way.
The FCC should keep their dirty fucking hands off of the internet, period!


what the fuck you lookin at?
This will lead to censorship. So I say fuck no! :cussing:


This will lead to censorship. So I say fuck no! :cussing:

Censorship ! That's just crazy ! You mean the government gets to decide what is or is not objectionable ? ... we therefore don't get to speak our peace at the cost of not being offended ? :rolleyes:

The FCC, huh ? To whom do we appeal ?
Wow. I would hate to see the Government step into this site!

G-Man: Halt! This site is ::looks around:: [sees Blueballs and LurkingDirk banging ferociously. ~~Whimsy~~ jacking off with a ball and gag around belly button. MaleOneTwo banging every member before they can become official in sordid ways. The OCSMs being subjected to internet people :eek:. GregC shoving things up his ass. Roald sucking FO Admin cock to keep his job. Born2Jizz writing on the wall with his jizz. L3ggy playing games like a comatose person. Lungzyn flying around the ceiling dropping cute avatars on everyone. Massive FO orgy in the corner. The sights just go on and on and on and on] Umm, everybody... ummm.... OMG!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!

G-Man 2: How do we get out of here????? ::Blueballs jumps and tosses him into a gangbang like a wild tiger::

G-Man 3 in group: We just lost Hinds!

::After the smoke clears, all the government officials trying to censor this site, lay tormented, dead, and/or scarred for life. Never again messing with that of the sexual perverted power of Freeones::



yea FreeOnes is like the perverted Super Friends. You just don't fuck with us or we WILL fuck you.

Side note: Why is the ball and gag around your belly button?
Without Net Neutrality don't we allow ISPs to do what Comcast was recently caught doing? If the Gov't can't protect consumers rights, who can?:dunno: Oh, yeah, another company I guess...:mad:
Need to take this shit up with the ACLU immediately!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
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What particular gripes might you have about net neutrality rules ?

My gripe is this. My politicians have already ruined my system of government. They have spit on my Constitution. They have proven themselves to be untrustworthy liars when it comes to most every other thing they have put their filthy hands on, while claiming it's in our best interests...so why should I trust they will do this correctly, and fairly? That's my gripe.
ok...possibly a dumb question but...what is net neutrality?

Net Neutrality is the idea that the Internet should:
A. Be an open forum for all people who use it, and
B. Should be available to everyone at one price with the same unlimited access.

ISPs (Comcast, Time Warner, AT&T) all have heavily lobbied in the past 10 years to disallow this idea, and rather sell tiered access to users. For example, Comcast might decide to sell Internet access to users in a certain town in Alabama for $20 but limit them to using YouTube, Facebook, E-mail and maybe a few other sites, all while allowing someone in say San Francisco the ability to access anything at all on the Internet at the same $20. In this regard, violating Net Neutrality is little more than a way to rip off people who may not know enough about the Internet to know they're being ripped off. The other way (and they've implemented this too) that ISPs want to violate Net Neutrality is to limit the bandwidth that a person can use. They'll decide that you're only allowed to use 5GB (some arbitrary number) of data, and after that, you can't get anything on the Internet. The basic idea from the standpoint of ISPs is to make more money while providing less service, which is to say, asinine at best.