Favorite Rocky Movie and Why.

Favorite Rocky Movie

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Mine is Rocky II. Rock shows how much his family means to him when he refuses to continue training while Adrian is in the hospital. That scene when she wakes up and tells him simply "Win",as a man I get lumpy with that scene. Yeah I'm confident enough about myself to say that. STFU!! Anyway vote and gimme a reason. :popcorn:
Rocky IV - Surprisingly it was just on TV and I just finished watching it :D

Why? Err ... mainly because of the song "Hearts on fire" :1orglaugh which is just too awful not to love.
It may not be the best as far as character development and plot are concerned, but Rocky IV is my fav. Ivan Drago is the shit and Rocky IV probably has more montages than all the other Rockys combined.

and yeah, Hearts on Fire rules.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The original is the best although I also though the last one, Rocky Balboa was excellent. I didn't expect much from it when I watched it but was pleasantly surprised.
Rocky I and II play out like one big movie, but I would have to say III is my favourite. Paulie and the pinball machine, the boxer vs. wrestler exhibition with Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, Burgess Meredith's death scene for Mickey, Apollo returning to train Rocky for his rematch ... all good stuff.

Part IV would have to be my 2nd favourite Rocky film. Alot of fun ( the "No Easy Way Out" montage is totally awesome! :D ), and Dolph was a total badass as Ivan Drago.

Rocky Balboa was a good way to end the series. Much more so than the lackluster Part V, but it's just too bad there wasnt any cameo's filmed with Mr. T and Dolph reprising Clubber Lang and Ivan Drago. That would have been pure gold, though I've heard a Mr. T/Clubber cameo came close.
Rocky I would be the best of all since it's the original and it's kind of a feel good movie, but I chose Rocky IV just because he kicked a commie's ass! :thefinger
wasn't that commie played by dulf laundgern ?
hmm.. can barely remember
anyway i voted for the 3rd because ... hulk hogan and that badass black boxer (who is rihanna's bodyguard these day i presume) and eye of the tiger ...
Rocky IV....but it's hard to decide between the 1st 4, they're all great.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
awww really how sweet ? whats the story behind that

Well first have you every seen Ray..LOL second he is from Philly so he has the harsh Philly accent like he says wooter not water.And they both had the same jobs not boxing, collecting money. they have the same Rocky 1 swagger.
I gave Ray the stage name Raymond Balboa LOL A girl can dream right!