Favorite Pink Floyd Album?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
1) Dark Side Of The Moon
2) Wish You Were Here
3) Meddle
4) The Wall

Ask me again in 20 minutes and I might change the order but not the albums themselves.


1/2 hits !

Is it possible to get addicted to that stuff ?
I never had a great or horrible experience with it. :dunno:
It was just sorta ehhhh ! :laugh: / :shocked:
and well . . . lets just say . . weird.

Does that stuff even exist today ? not that I wanna . . . drop or anything. just a curio.

Believe it or not, I haven't seen it in a while. But I kind of left that scene lately, just worried about my studies. But yeah, I can't see why not. A friend of mine has a cook book (legitimate one too). Half hits would probably be the trick, and a bottle of Vodka just in case, to take the edge off. I just remember hearing about this guy who smuggled a sheet in his sock and thought he was a potato chip. Freaked me out! :D
I gotta go with:

1. Division Bell


2. David Gilmour - on an island


3. Wish you were here.

At heart mother was good too, and I love comfortably numb, just to sit back and get wasted while I listen to it. Roger Waters has like 3 albums that I never heard, but I think they were good. Anyway, umm, Division Bell and On an Island were atrocious to listen to at first, but they really grew on me. They are great albums, but very hard to listen to at first.

Division Bell was a good album. However, I don't think it can truly be classified as Pink Floyd, since Roger Waters wasn't in the group then. But that's just my opinion.

As for my favorite, got to go with "Wish You Were Here" or "Piper at the Gates of Dawn".
1. Wish You Were Here
2. Atom Heart Mother
3. The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn

wish I could have put Meddle, The Wall and Animals as well but that's my top 3.
wish you were here. it is a fact that is there best album. wiki it.

A lot of fans could argue with you that it is really The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn and I would not say that they are totally wrong. Both are masterpieces, however TPATGOD is historically more important than Wish You Were Here.

You can't get facts out of musical tastes, even if it's supported by thousands.


Hiliary 2020
oh man don't make me choose.

I'll go with
The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn
The Wall.

Everything the did up to The Wall was perfection
My top 3 are:


Piper at the Gates of Dawn

Atom Heart Mother.

Later Pink Floyd, while great recording achievements have never held my interest as much. I find The Wall to be completely boring and mostly uninteresting. Dark Side and Wish you were here for sure deserve their respective reputations and either probably should be on the list instead of Atom Heart Mother, but I love that record a great deal.

To the Floyd freaks: has anyone ever issued the Live at Pompeii recordings as a record? I love the film, but have never seen it issued as a cd only.
Atom Heart Mother
Dark Side (I've listened to it too often while watching The Wizard of Oz) with several chemicals having their way with my neuro-chemistry... :D :D :D
1. Darkside of the Moon
2. Momentary Laspe of Reason ( I don't really like the whole album, but I utterly LOVE the song, Learning to Fly)
3. Wish you were here