A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!
Battle of Bosworth Field
I wish someone would write a play about it, or a movie.
Important battle.
Edward III, grandson of Edward Longshanks from Braveheart fame had many sons who had many children. after he died his grandson, the legitimate heir Richard II (Richards father, the oldest son of Edward had died earlier) took the throne.
Thats where the fun began.
Richard was deposed and his crown usurped by Henry IV (henry was the eldest son of Edward III's 3rd son).
for the next 60 years fighting and killing any potential heirs was all the rave until the Plantagenat family who were descendants of Edwards III's 2nd son deposed and murdered Henry VI, and his son and only heir for good measure.
Now Edward Plantaganet became Edward IV. He died leaving 2 sons but Edwards younger brother Richard intercepted the boys on the way to the eldest's coronation, locked them up, had them proclaimed illegitimate and named himself King Richard III.
He then most likely had his nephews murdered to prevent any revolts.
By now all potential heirs had been killed off by both sides, except Henry Tudor, great grandson of one of Edward III's 3rd son's illegitimate children, a weak claim but he was all that was left.
He had been hiding in France since he was very young.
He got the backing of many royals, came to England and defeated and killed Richard at the Battle of Bosworth and became Henry VII, who immediatly married Edwars IV's eldest daughter, united both lines of descent and ending somewhat the War of the Roses.... his son turned out to be a real card too who makes OJ look like husband of the year.
What I just wrote was short version, so many characters, storys, twists and plots from this era, no hollywood writer could ever even imagine it.