Fav tv series


Originally posted by georges alias, profiler, Oz, Mortal Kombat, xfiles, The practice Donnell & associates, Rick Hunter (lapd cop, actor was fred dryer), Hooker,Star trek, the streets of san francisco, sydney fox, nikita with peta wilson, jag with david james elliott and big titted babe catherine bell, samo the hong kong cop with samo hung, largo wynch, the burned heads (story of usnavy pilots pilots of f4u corsairs who faught against *** air force in the south pacific), 21 jumpstreet with peter de luise and johnny depp, Acapulco HEAT and the dukes of hazzard.



These series are for pussies:hatsoff:
cumburper said:
These series are for pussies:hatsoff:

what is your problem cum burper? i think that you should really look at yourself to see how narrowminded and how immature you are by talking shit and criticizing other people tastes. grow up kid.and stop to be an idiot.thanks for your understanding
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Yeah, I forgot "24"! Season one was running in Germany this summer. I've heard that the second season is even better. Do you who have seen it already agree?

i have seen the first season of 24 it was top. but about the second season i haven't seen it yet so i can't say.


i did really like the 1st series....but i thought the 2nd kinda dragged....i mean how many times can your kid be kidnapped!....

got a bit tiedious
georges said:
what is your problem cum burper? i think that you should really look at yourself to see how narrowminded and how immature you are by talking shit and criticizing other people tastes. grow up kid.and stop to be an idiot.thanks for your understanding

ignore him geoges...he'll get bored
hi silicone;):)

this guy is like kontkin he not only insulted me but other people too, so i won't let him have the pleasure to insult us.He must know that he has a mandatory to respect people on the board. If someone doesn't say him something he will continue. I am not a person that accepts disorder so if it is necessary I will continue to use a strong language with him.He has insulted enough people now i think he should really stop.


dude all im saying is...dont give the guy ammo....just report it to freeones....

i made him put the respect thing as part of the rules....infact i wrote that bit...hehehe....

so he'll likerly get a warning off him....

however tho if you keep fireing back you'll jus mak it worse


Talking about TV series does anyone find Friends funny as i think its a pile of rubbish any comments
friends was not my type of series like Beverly Hills not enough realistic. i really liked poltergeist.Other cult series that i liked were the renegade, kung fu, air america and blue thunder (with james farantino and dan curvey actors, they are cops who pilot an advanced attack and assault helicopter).


Lisa said:
Talking about TV series does anyone find Friends funny as i think its a pile of rubbish any comments

I find Friends funny, but I don't watch every single episode.
There's a british series "Coupling". Does anyone know that? Same style as Friends, but I think way funnier.

i thought friedns was good...i enjoy it very much...but the later ones were not so good.....

to be honest tho....i thought all women liiked friends....if not for the story for chaps...but in mine and your case for the chicks

im mad on the idea that pheobe is an analholic...wooha ride that ass like zorro!!!



Jacksson_77 said:
I find Friends funny, but I don't watch every single episode.
There's a british series "Coupling". Does anyone know that? Same style as Friends, but I think way funnier.


Coupling is very funny, the episode where Jeff pulls the girl by telling her he has a wooden leg is hilarious.