I personally think he had every right to shoot the laptop.. HE bought the damn thing.. Now had she gone out and bought it with her OWN money, be it from working or birthday money that she saved, I don't think he would've done that. If a girl buys her boyfriend a new car then 3 months later he cheats on her and uses that car to do so, she has every right to have that car repossessed. Same thing, he bought her that laptop, but not so she could go behind his back and make him look like an idiot.. She deserved it, she doesn't realize how lucky she is to actually have a dad that cares enough to punish her. She's got 3 years to grow the fuck up. I've worked since I was 12. I paid my moms rent from 15 and on because she couldn't work. Plus, I went to school. "Hanna" doesn't know shit about hard work.