Fansigns and shiz for SpexyAshleigh voters! :D


Official Checked Star Member
Next round of fansigns coming tonite! Doing them up as we speak....errr....type. lol

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Next round of fansigns coming tonite! Doing them up as we speak....errr....type. lol

Argh! Jealousy is going to get the better of me. I want a fan sign too, dammit. :mad:

So hypothetically, if I voted for you (and I would only be voting for you), would you customize the fan sign for me? I just want something similar to my avatar. I know you're not doing the whole topless fan sign thing, but you could definitely flip off the camera and look angry. Show your face but no smiling - act like you're pissed off. Tuck the sign into your cleveage like you've been doing (teh über hotness) and give me the double bird. That is my request.

:thumbsup: Accommodate me and I shall vote for you and only you for all eternity (every day) and sing your praises on mountaintops whenever I come across them in the great state of Indiana.
So you got that right? Yay, nay... or fuck off you jackass, I don't do requests. :dunno:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I voted for Ashleigh. She should win Best OCSM, and I am not just saying that because she made me a sign.


Official Checked Star Member

and I had to do one for Alisa because a)she's my homegirl (go canada!) b)she's a total sweetheart and I appreciate her support, and support her too :) and c)she's fuckin sexy :D



Official Checked Star Member
And you guys can thank d_jologs for requesting the latex outfit. He asked for no fansign, just pics of the latex so he and others could enjoy. I gave a fansign anyways ;) but everyone thank him for requesting one of my sexiest outfits! Pics pour vous! :D
