1: Something that you do, to pass the time, when stuck in a lift -Pretend that the camera in the lifts doesn't exist and start to talk to converse with myself complete with acting out what I'm saying
2: A lewd sex act, that you could perform in the 'Gardening' section of your local library, without being noticed -Checking the connection from the hose to the spout.
3: Celebrity you would most like to see boiled in a casserole and eaten by cannibals -I would say Paris Hilton, but she's too damn skinny to feed anyone, so I'm going to say Rosie O'Donnel
4: A wild, man-eating, vicious animal, that you would like to release into your workmates office.. just for a laugh -Elizabeth Taylor (She's a man eater)
5: An excuse for not tipping your waiter -They weren't good looking enough for my money...(you didn't say where they waited at...I'm thinking strip club...WooHoo)
6: Musical instrument that you could play with 'no-hands' -Skin Flute
7: Previously unheard-of conspiracy story, that could be true -Marilyn Manson was the sex toy of Hugh Hefner who modeled all of his future "bunnies" that live with him after her.
8: A big whopping lie, that you would like to tell to the Queen -You look even more beautiful now then you did before your 100 year reign, (she seems like she's that old...if not older)
9: A famous invention, that you wished that you had invented first -The In & Out
10: 4 different faces, that should be on Mt Rushmore -Hugh Hefner, Jennifer Tilly, Chucky (the doll), & Chester the Cheetah the Cheetos spokescat