Why do we get this over and over?
I didn't say I don't enjoy the product, but the fact is that I'm not going to help fund an industry which demeans and abuses women.
So what you're saying is that you don't want to pay for it? :dunno:
Seriously, I know that's an over-simplification, but that's really what it boils down to. You want it, but you don't want to help fund it.
Fund "what"? Any and all porn? The porn industry is what we, those who want it, make it. Or don't you see that?
As a Christian I cannot respect any person who partakes in the industry especially the women who seem to have little class, and self worth.These women have tainted there body and souls because of greed.
As a former, but short-lived, "born-again Christian" myself before I saw the "error of my ways in constantly judging everyone," I recognized the obviousness of the truth ...
If you label anyone who enjoys any type of porn an "outcast," all you will have are "outcasts" enjoying porn. That's the problem.
People don't differentiate nudity from erotica from the real, demeaning crap. Maybe, just maybe, if people would just accept that nudity and erotica are natural, then maybe we'd have an industry that catered to teaching men and women that consent is most important, and people should only judge themselves, not others, and especially not use it as an excuse for worse sins that have violated or even killed more people.
Like envy, jealousy, etc... Maybe we'd have an industry dominated by responsible adults, and not just outcasts who will pay anything to get what they want.
As a man, I will not apologize that I see women as sex objects. As a man, I will not apologize for recognizing that my manhood was designed for the purpose of spearing womenhood, and enjoying the fuck out of doing it to her. I will not deny my nature. However, I will only do so if and when she gives consent (let alone I don't let it enter my mind if she has not), and I will stop the second she says "no" (even in the middle of it).
Hell, we're debating in the courts what "no" means. Life if simple. You adhere to the wishes of others, or you just don't deal with them at all if you cannot accept that. I do that. It's just that simple. I found a woman who feels sexually as I do, and that's what makes my marriage ideal for myself and her, and no one else.
Same deal for those who enjoy porn, whether monogamous or polygamous, fantasy, etc... As long as it does not promote the violation of others against their will, then it's fine. As long as you do not promote that, enjoy that, etc..., it's fine. That's erotica.
If you have a desire to see porn where women are violated, then that's a problem. Don't blame it on the industry, blame it on yourself, because you're maintaining that industry. If we would stop throwing anyone who enjoys erotica into the same "outcast" pool, maybe responsible erotica would dominate porn more.
Again, the problem is not the industry. It has always been around and will always be around. The problem is the consumer base of the industry. Avoiding it just means more of those who can't are the ones who are outcasts and "need it." Enjoying porn is healthy, as long as your thoughts and desires are healthy.
Sex itself is not wrong. Never has been, never will be. Sex is just the excuse some people use to inflict pain and violence. If you're not doing that, then you're not part of the problem. In fact, you're part of the solution, to make the porn industry a responsible industry bringing the core values of responsibility, self-judgment (not the judgment of others) and healthy, fruitful relationships.
Nothing is more mis-guided than "oh, but I feel bad about jacking off to porn." I could give a sermon on how wrong that is from several, religious and spiritual texts, including the Christian Bible. If you really believe "it's wrong," you stop. If you can't stop, maybe you've got the wrong set of values. You can't have it both ways, and "repentance" is not a "I'll try."
It's actually about finding the truth and believing in that truth. I found mine long ago and guess what? People consider me the most "respectful" man around in my life. I'm not "respectful." I just don't give into envy, lust and many other things that only hurt others, as well as myself. I have no envy, and my lust is very calculated and directed with considerations for those I don't know as much as those I care about.
For God sakes men, if you get aroused and you want to jack off, enjoy it and feel good about it afterwards too! Enjoy the fact that you are a man and capable of such! Enjoy life for what God has given us. Enjoy that you are a man! Even if a select subset of men don't have the considerations you do, remember that it's your care, consideration and love that counter them in society.