Mass hysteria ...
Jews and Gentiles, living together, mass hysteria!
And someone told
me to "shhh"?
Let's get one thing straight here ...
Faith is her name, the female model, and the topic ... not the topic of "faith" as in spiritual/religious.
Yes, I know, Faith causes men to question their faith.
To question if they should view any other woman with similar lust.
Her perfect figure, smooth, curvy, endless head-to-toe.
Try as men might, they cannot pull their eyes from her, let alone their appendages from ... well, you know.
She is of divine creation, yet men question what "unholy" thoughts go through their minds (let alone, again, flailing appendages).
We've seen lust, guilt, accusation and the like over her now.
Some men just can't deal with her beauty, and have to complain about things like make-up.
All while driving themselves mad with their accusations against others for what they won't accept themselves.
Unfortunately, even putting
Faith in a FreeOnes T-shirt is no solution, as the curves are completely viewable right through it.
No, there seems to be no solution to the overload of lust and, resulting, thrust here.
And some men can't deal with that in any other way than to "lash out" against fellow members.
Sigh, it's just another day with the most beautiful of women on FreeOnes, and select men who can't control themselves.