Fact About Yourself Thread

i never got into football much i suppose i'd be a niners fan but mostly i don't care about football, however, i've been a sf giants fan since i was a child...as a child will clark was my favorite player

cindy CD/TV

But now you're a true and honest Jets fan right? :) :D

Grrrrrr!!! :noway: Bad evil Jets!!! BAD!!! They bounced by beloved Patriots out of the playoffs. :weeping: I cast a curse upon Rex Ryan's head :rolleyes:

But I like some of their fans, though (hint hint)! :iloveyou:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I bought an $250 HD/DVD player a couple of years ago, about a month before it was announced that they were being discontinued. D'OH! Then I realized my PS3 plays HD/DVDs anyway... DOUBLE D'OH! :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Now, why would you buy a HD/DVD player when Bluray won that war?

cindy CD/TV

Now, why would you buy a HD/DVD player when Bluray won that war?

Well this was a few years ago, you see, at a time when the battle of Bluray vs. HD/DVD had not been decided yet (or at least as far as I knew). I already had a PS3, which had me covered on the Bluray front, but I was worried about some movies going exclusively to HD/DVD -- which turned out to be unfounded for two reasons (obvious reasons in hindsight).

1) PS3 plays HD/DVDs
2) HD/DVD was going the way of BetaMax.

I've made the best of my unfortunate investment though. Whenever I watch regular DVDs, I watch them on my HD/DVD player (which upconverts nicely) and the few HD/DVD titles I have on my shelf -- this spares me some wear and tear on my precious PS3. Having both machines also showed without a doubt that Bluray was the suprerior format. I bought "300" on Bluray, but a free copy was bundled with the HD/DVD player that I bought. I watched both on their respective machines. Bluray kicked its ass up and down and sideways. :D


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
^You're like, way weird!