Re: Explanation On Deleted Thread
poggy1 said:
What next, a mod has to PM a member everytime they edit one of their posts or doesn't approve a picture. Giving them a very detailed reason why. The mods run the board very well and don't need to keep PM'ing members everytime they decide to do something.
I never said that. And usually, the mods leave reasons for their editing posts in the "Reason for edit" section. I merely suggested that if the mods choose to delete a thread of an active member, that they at least a take a single minute to pm that member. That'll help avoid threads like this and keep the starter informed.(this idea being suggested for more than just threads concerning this woman's "death" or "hiding." Or whatever the situation is. The pm need not even be long. Something as simple as "Your thread on Angela Devi was deleted. You should know of the controversey surrounding this situation, and we have chose not to let it continue as a discussion here." Or whatever their "official" stance on the issue is.
poggy1 said:
No doubt it has been decided to what action to take when another unofficial statement comes up on this subject. KFD I'm suprised at you bring this up again without it been official, as you've seen whats happened in the past with this subject.
I believe KFD, as well as others, just felt that this might be secure and true info. Whether it is or isn't, we don't know. But there was no direct harm that I see.
Odd enough though, two threads on the subject were deleted, but the third and the one I posted above has yet to be closed or deleted. :dunno:
But I do agreee, this is quite a terrible issue. One that should be formally addressed by an admin or top mod. If golden frogs can receive two official threads, why can't one concerning a young woman's controversial death or disappearance, or lack of ability to find said woman, be made? Unless I missed that thread.