Ever met a celeb' that turned out to be a prick? Someone you met that was cool?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I ran into Joe Theismann on the street in downtown Phoenix when Super Bowl XXX was here. He was nice to me and signed an autograph for me. I agree with you most celebs will be polite if you don't make a big deal out of running into them.

Ok well it's good to know the guy can at least be a human being once in a while. I ran into him in the sports bar of the J.W. Marriott on Century Blvd. by LAX a few years ago. He was walking toward me and all I said was "Hey Joe!" and he walked right past me without acknowledgment like I was a potted plant. Now, perhaps he was just having a bad day but, in my book, not even bothering to return a friendly greeting is being a first-class prick no matter what.


Official Checked Star Member
A few years ago on Valentines Day, me, my friend and my boyfriend at the time ended up hanging out in a bar with Evanescence. The guys in the band were super cool, really friendly and awesome and we were drinking with them til 5am. Amy-Lee, however... TOTAL BITCH. She came to the bar for maybe five minutes and sat there looking down at us with her friend, then left and sent down this card to be delivered to my friend and I that read, "Dear strippers. Happy VD, don't give my band VD." Hahaha I still have it somewhere.

Also, I met JD Fortune (the new INXS singer) and he was a coked out fuckbag.

I recently hung out with Bon Jovi while he was in Australia, and he was cool. His keyboardist, David, was really awesome and sooo down to earth. John was very charming and cool.

I lap danced for the guys from NoFX one time, and they were awesome. Fat Mike is very into bondage and told me all about his sex dungeon and he got me to asphyxiate him and pinch his nipples really hard while I was stripping hahaha.

Umm there's been loads of other musicians I've met through work, most of them have been cool but the above are the ones that really stood out :)


Closed Account
I met Joe and he seemed happy someone reconized him and he gave me an autograph for my mom. :dunno:
Ran into Carrot Top at while in Vegas and he was a nice guy.
The only person I met that I would say is more arrogant than a prick was Terrence "TC" Carson (Kyle) from Living Single. He would talk and take pictures with women, but would brush off any guys that spoke to him. The irony was it was at a men's event discussing unity and enpowerment.:1orglaugh
Cool: Hulk Hogan

Wow, I saw him at a concert that Brooke was part of, and based on that day, I'd put him high on the "worst ever" list! :surprise: Brooke, on the other hand, was the exact opposite :D

The only person I met that I would say is more arrogant than a prick was Terrence "TC" Carson (Kyle) from Living Single. He would talk and take pictures with women, but would brush off any guys that spoke to him.

Sounds like the one (and now forevermore, the only) time I saw Sugar Ray... :laugh:

Others in the "Hall Of Shame": quarterback Rob Johnson, singers Jordan Knight and Nick Lachey...
The only person I met that I would say is more arrogant than a prick was Terrence "TC" Carson (Kyle) from Living Single. He would talk and take pictures with women, but would brush off any guys that spoke to him.

Yeah, that sounds like Kratos alright.

Cool: James Hetfield:banger:Charles Barkley, Pat Morita(As long as you make any "Wax on Wax Off"references), Carlos Mencia, Robin Williams, Pauly Shore, Drew Brees, DMX and Dwight Howard.

Prick(s): Micheal Jordan. I didn't meet him, but I witnessed him acting an ass in a Casino in Vegas. That is about all I can think of really.
Wow, I saw him at a concert that Brooke was part of, and based on that day, I'd put him high on the "worst ever" list! :surprise: Brooke, on the other hand, was the exact opposite :D

It was about 10 years ago I met Hulk Hogan. Saw him at the airport and the first thing I noticed was just how huge he was (he's gotta be about six and a half feet tall). I got the courage to go talk to him. I introduced myself, told him I was a fan and that I watched him wrestle all the time when I was a kid in the 1980s. He was really polite, shook my hand, and chatted with me for a few minutes and gave me an autograph.

Cool: James Hetfield:banger:

Lars may seem like a prick, but I've always had the feeling that James Hetfield would be a cool guy in person. It's good to have it confirmed. :)
I've met many, many people who fall into either category. I'll either look for the posts that I've made in the past, or write more about my experiences when I'm not about to go to work.