Ever fucked a prostitute?

Ever fucked a prostitute?

  • Yes

    Votes: 242 34.7%
  • No

    Votes: 456 65.3%

  • Total voters
Prostitution is no different then regular jobs? If you honestly believe that then it is clear that you have NO idea what you are typing about.

And do you have any hard statistics to back up your last claim?

Pick any of the prostitutes that fly in to work at the brothels in Nevada! With the possible exception of those who live there and have to do the work (and I know that is a fairly small number at the legal brothels), the majority of them fly in, work a week, two weeks, the summer at a time, etc. I'm guessing they enjoy the work (or at least the money they make doing it) - otherwise, they'd find something else to do. The same is true for a great many professional escorts.

I'm not talking about streetwalkers here. I've yet to find the first one of those who weren't working to support a drug habit, and I'd never even remotely suggest that they either enjoy it or find the first positive thing to say about it.

My honors project for my degree involves an analysis of an issue not related to this specific discussion with respect to those three groups of individuals, so I've spent a good bit of time talking to folks in all three groups.
Prostitution is no different then regular jobs? If you honestly believe that then it is clear that you have NO idea what you are typing about.

Actually McRocket I do know some prostitutes who enjoy what they do.

But maybe it's because they know all their clients :dunno:

At the end of the day though they call it a job. As they put no feeling into it. So it's a bit like me when I'm lifting, pulling and pushing in my work. Just using your body to earn a living. So I guess you can call it a regular job. But I think it's how you see what or approach what they are doing.

Me I do see it as there job. Maybe because I've known one of them for a very long time and know she does it because she finds it easy money.
yep, called them and afterwards had some great fucks. you only live once !
Of course they are going to say that.

Yep. Yet so may people don't "get" this, or get why.

Plus there is the denial factor.

Yes, and it's a major one.

The only way you can know what these women are really going through is to ask them when they have been out of it for awhile.

I don't think that's the "only" way, but agree that overall it's the most dependable one.

A lot of the craigslist hookers and escort agency girls are also fairly legit.

What does the word "fairly" mean, in this context?

Crissy Moran..... is a really, really weak example of your argument, McRocket.

I think she's an excellent example.


If we legalize it and police it and regulate it, we can take pimps and drugs right out of it like they have in Holland, and allow girls who want to make money having sex, the freedom to do that.
If you think legalizing prostitution will take the pimps out of it - I suggest that you are wrong.

I knew countless exotic dancers (strippers). Some of them features that made a LOT of money doing a completely legal profession. And most of them had pimps. Especially the younger ones (under 22). They thought they were their boyfriends. But then the 'boyfriends' would ask for money. Then they would demand money. Then they would deliberately get them pregnant to keep them loyal. And then the girl would find out that he was seeing at least one other dancer - and getting money from her as well. And only then would they finally realize that their boyfriends were pimps.
Pimps do not have to look like pimps to be pimps. And most women that have pimps (IMO), think they really have boyfriends.

I hate seeing women - or anyone - abused or downtrodden. But I hate just as much restricting what women - or anyone - can do.
If you are referring to me, then I ask you to find exactly where I typed that they should be controlled or restricted in any way. You will not because I have not.
I strongly believe that prostitution should be legalized.
And yes, of course what they do are called 'jobs'. So is being a mercenary or an legal executioner. But I would not call those people 'regular' workers either.

But these escorts have to commit adultery with 75% or more of their clients; because that is the percentage of john's (usually) that are married. And maybe the women you know ********** don't mind that. But many (but not all) of the ones I knew felt guilty (to varying degrees) for doing that. Knowing they were having paid sex with a husband who was lieing about it to his wife and kids.
Also, most of these women have to have sex with men that they would normally find physically unattractive if not down right repulsive. And an amazing number of john's would not bathe before seeing these women - so they would stink as well.
And that is not even touching on the way many of these 'johns' (though not all of them - definitely) trated these women. SOmetimes they just treated them like empty whores to be used and discarded at will. In fact, that was the kick for many of these 'customers'. A chance to treat women the way they really see them as - subordinate to men.

My point is the vast majority of these women are not doing it for 'fun'. They do it - IMO - because a) it pays A LOT. And b) they have very low self esteems from either a lousy childhood or for some other reason.

Oh, and by the way. Most of these escorts I knew were Canadian. And before you type that they are not like 'your' escorts because they worked illegally - prostitution is legal in Canada.
Public sex-for-money transactions and brothels and pimping are illegal. But a free lance escort going to a hotel room to have paid sex with a client is completely legal in Canada.
If you think legalizing prostitution will take the pimps out of it - I suggest that you are wrong.

A truer statement never said on this thread.

One of the things a pimp is supposed to do is make sure the ladies stay healthy and safe. In more ways than one. So they still will be needed. Hence will still ask for there cut and so in a way still pimping women. Plus isn't the owner of a brothel a pimp anyway.

So legalizing prostitution might take some of the crime element out of it. But the pimp will still be needed. Or should that be the pimp will still be there.
Poggy, there are no brothel owners in the RLD in Amsterdam. There are rooms that property owners rent out for specific, published rates, to women (and shemales etc) that want to use them to sell their bodies in the window. These areas are well policed, and other than the set room rental fee per hour, the ladies keep all of the money. If they are being pimped by their boyfriends (some of them are, but in my opinion most of them aren't), it's at home, privately, and that has nothing to do with the RLD and everything to do with their personal relationship and with one on one exploitation.

Which makes them pimps. As the are living off the earnings of someone doing a sexual act.

Sorry Fox once again you've proven your own argument wrong.
A pimp often provides security and lodging for his staff so to speak. As do brothels also. Which the prostitute pays for from the earnings she gets from the sexual act. Which as pointed out again makes them a pimp. Because they are living of the earns of another person that is offering sexual services.

Pimp: a man/woman who solicits clients for a prostitute or brothel and takes some of their earnings.

Which as said with them providing the room they know full well that is been used for prostitution makes them a pimp.

So the pimp as pointed out is still in the business after you've legalized it!
No way, she was the one fucking me.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Nope, i think it's bad to even mentioning them.
Why don't we pay each other? lol <3
Now I have a really good idea...
You can pay *me* to make you *squirt*. Hehehehe.
Guaranteed or your money back.
Buy now, get a free ATM!

We're not flirting.

We're arranging a business transaction.

Ahhh... Libertarianism. Ever seen "Eyes Wide Shut"?

I had sex with a prostitute in Panama while I was in the Army. She was not the best looking. Pretty funny situation actually. I was pretty young, had no rank whatsoever. So, naturally, I didn't have to first pick of the girls in the massage parlor (read: brothel).

I got into the "room", which was more like a stall with a tall table (massage parlor, right?). I didn't have enough money, so I banged on the wall beside me and bummer $60 off my buddy I heard going at it in the stall next to me.

It sucked like no sex has ever sucked before. I was absolutely fucking bored. When I left I felt like a tool because I knew I wasn't there for any other reason than to get acceptance from the guys I was there with. You do shit for a lot of stupid reasons when you're young.
I'm the farthest thing from a libertarian.


Libertarians don't have to be right wing, btw. Just an FYI. Not sure what your turn-off is about them.

Having sex with a prostitute for me was just bloody awful because it was a sex act reduced down to a cold financial transaction. And, she was pretty jaded about the whole thing too. Blech...

And speak for yourself :D I do what I do cause I love it even when I was young hehe.

Well, maybe there's the reason why you were doing whatever you were doing and I was in the army.:wave2:

By the way, anyone who cares. I think the sex industry is every bit as legit and clearly more honest than many upright, mainstream industries. Like insurance, healthcare... I had an awful time with a prostitute in Panama; but Lord knows I've known plenty of strippers. I'm NOT a libertarian (Fox you might agree with this) because I think there ought to be some method of providing some of the basics I have at my job for these people. You know, healthcare, insurance... Some of the contract girls listed on this site might have access, but the girls I have known definitely did not. They were scraping between poor health and homelessness about half the time. God help them if they had a kid. It's an embarrassment and it's dishonest; but it'll never happen here. No traction for this kind of thing in the public sphere. Disgraceful.:2 cents: