I'm willing to bet a lot of prostitutes have been raped.
And that the rape/murder/injury rate it much higher among prostitutes than regular women in most places in the world.
But I'm also willing to bet that in Amsterdam, where there are well policed areas, with red safety buttons, and prison sentences, and no way out for offenders, the prostitutes (just like they have told me) are extremely safe and well protected. It's not the profession that is horribly unsafe, it is the fact that it is illegal, criminalized, and underground.
In Holland, they have one of the lowest rape rates in the world. The fact that prostitution is so cheap and legal cannot be discounted as a factor in that.
Good job McRocket did the research you failed to do here Fox.
From page 3 of the report located at the following link:
'In the Netherlands,
where prostitution is legal, 60% of prostituted women suffered
physical assaults; 70% experienced verbal threats of physical
assault; 40% experienced sexual violence; and 40% had been
forced into prostitution or sexual abuse by acquaintances'
Additionally, in the U.S.:
From the following link:
'That study found 1,800 to 4,000 girls and women are involved in on- or off- street prostitution activities in Chicago in any given year, along with about 11,500 people who trade sex for drugs.'
'The CIR study showed that 21.4 percent of women working as escorts had been raped 10 times or more, with comparable rates for other types of sex work.'
and these from the following:
'The average age of entry into prostitution is 13 years...or 14 years.'
'Estimates of the prevalence of incest among prostitutes range from 65% to 90%. The Council for Prostitution Alternatives, Portland, Oregon Annual Report in 1991 stated that: 85% of prostitute/clients reported history of sexual abuse in childhood; 70% reported incest.'
Oh look and it proves different to what you put on the Dutch :o
It is known as a fact that rape is often suffered by prostitutes. The problem is proving it because of the profession they are in. But then again you forgive rapists so aren't the prostitutes just wanting to be raped?
Wasn't you warned by a mod for talking about rape just a week or so ago?
That is a yes you was, as I was too for picking up on your statement!
Yet you've brought it up again