Ever fucked a prostitute?

Ever fucked a prostitute?

  • Yes

    Votes: 242 34.7%
  • No

    Votes: 456 65.3%

  • Total voters
I'm willing to bet a lot of prostitutes have been raped.
And that the rape/murder/injury rate it much higher among prostitutes than regular women in most places in the world.

But I'm also willing to bet that in Amsterdam, where there are well policed areas, with red safety buttons, and prison sentences, and no way out for offenders, the prostitutes (just like they have told me) are extremely safe and well protected. It's not the profession that is horribly unsafe, it is the fact that it is illegal, criminalized, and underground.

In Holland, they have one of the lowest rape rates in the world. The fact that prostitution is so cheap and legal cannot be discounted as a factor in that.


Good job McRocket did the research you failed to do here Fox.

From page 3 of the report located at the following link:


'In the Netherlands,
where prostitution is legal, 60% of prostituted women suffered
physical assaults; 70% experienced verbal threats of physical
assault; 40% experienced sexual violence; and 40% had been
forced into prostitution or sexual abuse by acquaintances'

Additionally, in the U.S.:

From the following link:


'That study found 1,800 to 4,000 girls and women are involved in on- or off- street prostitution activities in Chicago in any given year, along with about 11,500 people who trade sex for drugs.'

'The CIR study showed that 21.4 percent of women working as escorts had been raped 10 times or more, with comparable rates for other types of sex work.'

and these from the following:


'The average age of entry into prostitution is 13 years...or 14 years.'

'Estimates of the prevalence of incest among prostitutes range from 65% to 90%. The Council for Prostitution Alternatives, Portland, Oregon Annual Report in 1991 stated that: 85% of prostitute/clients reported history of sexual abuse in childhood; 70% reported incest.'

Oh look and it proves different to what you put on the Dutch :o

It is known as a fact that rape is often suffered by prostitutes. The problem is proving it because of the profession they are in. But then again you forgive rapists so aren't the prostitutes just wanting to be raped?

Wasn't you warned by a mod for talking about rape just a week or so ago?

That is a yes you was, as I was too for picking up on your statement!
Yet you've brought it up again :confused:
Where exactly are you getting that statistic from?

From the following link:


'...a 1998 Department of Justice Report, 1 in 6 women experience rape or attempted rape in their lifetimes.'

That is -17% of women in their entire lives. And that includes attempted rape as well as rape. Whereas prostitutes (usually) only escort for a small fraction of their lives. And according to the study I quoted in my post above, over 1/5th of prostitutes in the Chicago area get raped 10 times during their escorting careers.

"Rape and attempted rape" are not the only forms of sexual assault. The figure I used includes those who were sexually abused as children by family members (immediate and extended), clergy members, others in positions of authority, other adults, other children, etc., as well as teens who've been subjected to date rape, coerced sex, etc., and those who've endured sexual abuse/assaults in the workplace (those that don't rise to the level of "rape"). The source of the statistics you provided doesn't bother to explain how they define rape, but if they use the most commonly used descriptor, rape is taken to mean actual or attempt vaginal, oral or anal penetration. Anything outside that isn't included (and even then, they are only estimates since the large majority of rape victims either don't report it or don't "believe it was rape.").

In all of those, you'll see statistics that suggest around 20-25% of the specific group having been victimized by sexual abuse, and the groups are not disambiguous (they are not all comprised of the same people). By the time you look at each group individually, account for those who fall into more than one category (which is fairly high - those subjected to sexual abuse in early childhood are statistically more prone to being raped, for example), you end up with a pool of people that will comprise between 40 and 50% of any given group of women.

The specific statistic (and the mechanism through which it was derived) was provided in a seminar I attended, so I don't have a direct attribution for it. I may have kept the notes, but I don't feel like going back and digging through all of them for this.
Have you ever talked to one?

Being that I'm married now, I would never do this for how it looks. Yes, one consideration of being married is the fact that I never am seen alone with a woman, not even in a professional setting. There is always at least one other woman or, better yet, one or more men.

With that said, no, I have never slept or even "hired" a prostitute at all. But I have taken a hungry one to dinner, especially when they were asking for money for food (when I know where it was going). I have done this many times with people asking for money for something. I take the time to take them to dinner, fill up their car with gas, etc... to ensure that is what my charity actually does (and their money is not misused for something that does not help them).

I've also met some higher-class escorts, possibly prostitutes, in my time who sincerely enjoy their work. The ones that do not let their life be dominated by drugs, only do what they want to do and do not find themselves doing anything against what they value.

In all cases, there is never a reason not to treat any woman like anything less than a lady, which just goes to the same attitude regarding any fellow human. Help if you can. Understand and don't judge. Recognize their existence is a choice, and whether they enjoy it or not is about what they value.
That's really interesting Poggy, and since you're big on selectively enforcing the board rules,

Where did I enforce the rules Fox?

Really should have thought before you posted at me. Then maybe I wouldn't have put this up...


As that was posted while Aegis was still modding.

Opps did you forget that one :o

I assume that it still stands as one of them unofficial rules.

So continue and get yourself banned, put it this way, I won't be bothered!

Do you also want me to bring up your post saying you forgive rapists. It's in the same thread!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I know I'm going to come off like a total asshole and I apologize for that, but...

Every single person here is completely fucking wrong when it comes to their "statistics" about rape for one reason and one reason only...

Everybody has a different definition of rape, therefore, making any "statistics" complete estimates that have absolutely no credibility. Even the dictionary has multipile definitions.


These statistics are taken from suverys, hospital records and police reports. The problem is, not every woman who is raped is going to admit that they were raped. Not every woman who is raped is going to go to the hospital. Not every woman who is raped is going to go to the police. Not to mention, not every woman who says they were raped was actually raped to begin with.

:2 cents:

Once again, I apologize if I seem a little dickish, but this is a subject that hits pretty close to home for me.
I've never fucked a prostitute. I would never pay to have sex. Even if I didn't have a girlfriend, my hand would just have to be enough.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
As long as I keep my hands in gloves during the cold winters, they do it for free out of thanks!

You're a lucky man. My hands are pampered bitches who won't put out unless I constantly massage them with lotion and keep their nails trim. Prissy sluts.


As for your Dutch statistics, well they may be so, but once again statistics can be used to prove or disprove anything, and are often contradictory.
I strongly believe that if the statistics backed up what you thought - you would agree with them. Read the report. The questions were very straightforwward - from what I could tell. Either you have been raped or attempted raped or you haven't. It ain't rocket science.
For the most part Amsterdam hookers were very positive about their business and we often talked with them and they even advised my girlfriend about getting into the business, the perils and the advantages, and they made it sound like an incredibly easy and safe way to make decent money.
Of course they are going to say that. They don't know who you are or who you are working for (whether you have a woman with you or not). ANd you are, IMO, ridiculously pro prostitution. To say that you had an unbiased air about you when you supposedly asked these escorts these questions is rather hard to believe.
Plus there is the denial factor. Look at Crissy Moran. She was in the adult entertainment business and she thought (at least publicly) that it was fine and dandy. Then when she got some distance from it she realized how bad it could be. Same with escorts. I have known several that thought it was fine until they quit, but then realized how horrible it was for them. When you are in the middle of something, it is difficult to get perspective. Especially something that is really awful. You desensitize yourself to it. You convince yourself that it is better then it is so that you can continue doing it. Why do you think such a high percentage of escorts do drugs? Because they are so happy with their lives?
The only way you can know what these women are really going through is to ask them when they have been out of it for awhile.

You have admitted that you use escorts often and that you yourself have hooked and pimped. Clearly you are an extremely biased individual on this subject and cannot be taken seriously in terms of learning what is and what is not the truth for these women.
Plus there is the denial factor. Look at Crissy Moran. She was in the adult entertainment business and she thought (at least publicly) that it was fine and dandy. Then when she got some distance from it she realized how bad it could be. Same with escorts.

I would suspect the same could be said for a great many jobs. Every job has advantages and disadvantages. Sex work is no different, and for every one that gets out and says negative things about it, you can find one that stays in (or gets out and has positive things to say about it).

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I would suspect the same could be said for a great many jobs. Every job has advantages and disadvantages. Sex work is no different, and for every one that gets out and says negative things about it, you can find one that stays in (or gets out and has positive things to say about it).
I'd like to cross-quote this post from the webcam girl-thread:
It's like the debate about if something like the sport of boxing is ethical.A barbaric sport some would say which causes injury and death on occasion.But if the participants who almost all come from poor backgrounds were denied it would they really be better off? All you can do is try to support policy's that give folks more avenues and choice in life I guess.Till then let them earn a living any way they think is best I think.
Read my lips: I'd rather see a happy hooker than an unhappy WalMart employee.

No matter what you do - as long as you feel comfortable with your job, I don't mind.
I'd like to cross-quote this post from the webcam girl-thread:Read my lips: I'd rather see a happy hooker than an unhappy WalMart employee.

No matter what you do - as long as you feel comfortable with your job, I don't mind.

I guess I would agree with that guy.:scream:The oldest profession in the world is maybe not the dream job but beats a lot of them.Why should they not exploit what they have while they can.Hopefully they make some good money and can set themselves up for something after they are done hooking.


I would suspect the same could be said for a great many jobs. Every job has advantages and disadvantages. Sex work is no different, and for every one that gets out and says negative things about it, you can find one that stays in (or gets out and has positive things to say about it).

Prostitution is no different then regular jobs? If you honestly believe that then it is clear that you have NO idea what you are typing about.

And do you have any hard statistics to back up your last claim?
They say its the oldest job throughout history, every prostitue should feel proud that they are carrying on this noble tradition, and if thats not job satisfaction i dont know what is


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Prostitution is no different then regular jobs? If you honestly believe that then it is clear that you have NO idea what you are typing about.

Maybe prostitution isn't "our" definition of a regular job, but some people don't have that mindset. Personally, I don't agree with prostitution, but some people think it's glamorous, just like some people think that pornography is glamorous.

I think you have a point Caitlain, to a certain extent, when you say...

Every job has advantages and disadvantages. Sex work is no different, and for every one that gets out and says negative things about it, you can find one that stays in (or gets out and has positive things to say about it).

I've never prostituted before, so I don't know if there is a plus-side to it. Obviously, since I'm an outsider, I'm only seeing the negatives.

It's like people saying "How can you like being a chef? You're a servant and all you do is cook food for people. What's so great about that?", when they have never done it themselves, so they have no clue what is really involved. I find joy in it, and it's more than just "cooking food" to me, so I chose it as a profession. Some might take that attitude/mindset into prostitution. Who knows?

FYI - I am NOT endorsing prostitution :2 cents: